
tceq equivalent single family connection

endcmap What options do we have to address this issue? The two businesses had been in a partnership in the past under one roof. We have several customers who have gates at the back of their homes and their homes are built at least 500 feet off the road. There also is a section in the Service Application and Agreement form RUS-TX Bulletin 1780-9 (05/17) that states: All water shall be metered by meters to be furnished and installed by the Corporation. Also, since the lead ban was in effect when the units were constructed in 2006, the CSI inspector should use swabs to test the plumbing for led. for the single-family residential customer group. Language establishing the utilitys ownership of customer service meters runs throughout TRWAs model tariffs and service policies. /Ordering (UCS) 12 dict begin This only works for meter reading and does not solve the issue of access for repairs and emergencies. (16) Connection--A single family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. <9C> <9C> <0153> )-__@u{{z"|RDQG|G2`4Y M6 oaomo[^W[zWJ+wCV How do we determine base rates for 2- or 3-inch meters? (7#~mz*B TwIewVq_kgcQyQ4Jd/ K3E\_%9=G$#. begincmap <0D> <0D> <000D> You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. Payment of these fees are reimbursable if and when the District sells Bonds for that purpose and the TCEQ . A: Yes, under Chapter 13 of the Texas Water Code you must provide service to the applicant if the location of the request for service lies within your certificated service area and your utility is privately owned or a nonprofit water supply corporation. 0000002770 00000 n The District currently encompasses 767 acres and is located wholly within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston, Texas (the "City") and is located within Katy Independent School District. Therefore, existing customers have been paying for extra capacity for many years and these new customers are being asked to provide a portion of the cost associated with the capacity they will be using. It is not cost effective for us to run a six inch line extension just to supply water to one new house. Commercial 5. However, the applicant or landowner can request a single master meter if they dont want to re-plumb their entire property to accommodate individual meters. These references clearly state that the meter belongs to the corporation and is to be maintained by the corporation. Google Map, Tel: 512.472.8591 <8A> <8A> <0160> In the last couple of months, Ive heard from some systems that they were moving to totally enclosed and sealed registers. A: You have a couple different issues to address. Is it ethical for us to charge a second equity buy-in fee for this meter if we already charged such a fee for their first meter? A: This is a common problem for older systems as they try to come into compliance with newer rules. After getting this proof of ownership, the system should at least check the countys tax rolls and property tax maps to see whose name is listed for that property. Each system has to check references, call neighboring systems that use the same product or professional, and verify to the best of their ability the facts before purchasing materials or entering into a contract. All new customers or applicants for water service use some of the systems existing facilities and capacity that was already in place things like pipe lines, tanks, wells, pumps and so on. 1 year ago. lF3n~m/O]w@_}!.u5Iul,CeA"Wyac. <99> <99> <2122> (x[u!WMt[~}}PNwAzJg"hK#6yot|L ` hp _Gy;:D'#DU!EN4~\6]W=WM0A >4#]a4aS'\!i SM0_h~6$DQ!k5MidcY8*#SB7(3 w!Nb%#{;%mO0ooWdy_Mo{@G6p~_Cum}mPk#]zK >0'|'{vWcH)uOO^ 6$*5?_~Ujq[~V.V^-W{vj^oKV]OW -(i0r#* +IB> 0000005203 00000 n %%EOF <7F> <7F> <2022> One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. An eight-inch (8") water main will generally be required to distribute water and provide fire protection within the multi-family district provided that the water main does not exceed 600 feet in length or serve more than two Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. Turn the well control on and fill the tank or until there has been sufficient production from the well into the tank to raise the level of water or for the pump to cut off automatically. If not, then the system could be charged with trespassing. Single family Non-Residential Flow (gpd) # Users 2. <00> Some of this cost will be paid by these new customers once they start paying their monthly water bill, but the previous customers not only have been paying for what it costs for them to receive water delivered to their homes, they have also been paying a bit extra toward the complete debt-service for all existing capacity. X1'H`7g3a*|f{h00eiF` BVb`+c0 z^ A: It is required that water systems verify that all materials and chemicals used in a public water system meet the TCEQ rules. Getting customers to understand is sometimes challenging. Our service agreement states that we only allow one dwelling per connection. Check to see if this reference is included anywhere and if not, call the supplier or the manufacturer for a copy to keep in your files in case the question comes up in the future. <8F> <8F> <2022> <93> <94> <201C> Many times, a customer has a shut off valve installed to the second residence that can be turned off for plumbing repairs or when inspections like these are to be conducted. endstream endobj 4 0 obj<>stream This standard specifies that all chemicals used properly will not cause any health effects for the consumers. Wouldnt it make sense for the owner to have to pay the cost of extending the line(s) out to those structures? The sample tariff also allows service to be disconnected, after notice, if access is denied for three consecutive months. 1 begincodespacerange The inspector would also check for chlorine residuals at any location which the customer says is being supplied water from a private well or other source. A: We get this question from time to time, and the answer as to whether you should have one master meter for each apartment building or one meter per individual apartment is it depends. In general, the Public Utility Commissions (PUC) rules first want separate meters for each unit so each individual users water usage can be measured accurately. A: This is a common question. Your board should look at all the different access related issues at customer locations and define in your tariff what the system considers to be reasonable access to the meters. What should we do with these boxes? <82> <82> <201A> /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin It doesnt matter whether the extra capacity is used to supply brand new customers who have never had service or to existing customers seeking an additional meter. Other systems are installing AMR Meters for the first time, installing AMR Meters in high density or high-traffic areas or upgrading to AMI meters. This certificate should meet the TCEQ master meter test requirements for initial installation of the meter. <81> <81> <2022> 0000000766 00000 n Next, the system may want to offer a compliance schedule so that service will not be interrupted during the construction and installation of a second meter on the property designated to receive service.. /CMapName /Helvetica-ObliqueOPBaseFont5 def If it is a single tract of land and the plumbing to each of these eight units is all combined into one common line, then a master meter would probably be the better option for this applicant. Back in 2004, TRWA staff met with TCEQ to discuss several issues relating to their capacity regulations and interpretations. Leakage 8. <99> <99> <2122> H|T0WQNd(>3IQb= This can make it difficult for maintenance personnel to identify which line is leaking and increase maintenance expenses compared to a situation with a single meter and a single yard line. I was told the meter was installed when a relative lived in a trailer on the far end of the property, but the meter has not been used for many years. The TCEQ interprets an "active connection" as a connection that is completed or existing and able to supply drinking water from the PWS to a single-family A: The property owner may have a single master meter as long as the property is not divided or does not consist of separate tracts of land. u5e` T 389 0 obj <>stream <9D> <9D> <2022> This is referred to in Section C under the definition of member and proof of ownership, and again in Section E under Rules and Regulations. The member knows that resale of the water for a profit is not allowed. All the meters or at least the material data sheets should state that the materials used to manufacture the meters meet NSF 61. If not then the meter accuracy is over or under by that difference since the tank is a definite volume (provided the above calculation and tank dimensions were accurate). <89> <89> <2030> <88> <88> <02C6> <88> <88> <02C6> <00AE> In addition to the cost of the meter installation as well as any upfront impact or buy in fees. The rules provide some ways for the applicant to opt out of individual meters and having multiple water service lines crisscrossing their tract of land. We have generally required individual meters for each unit, but one owner wants to know if they can put in a 2-inch master meter for all 10 units in five nearby duplexes. <7F> <7F> <2022> (This cut-off valve may be installed as a part of the original meter installation by the Corporation.). I have also seen frustration when the front property owner requests a second meter from the system and the line is at capacity. If your system already has this language, then TRWA suggests that systems that have several multiple connection issues send out a letter informing all customers of pending changes or stepped up enforcement of existing policies. Additionally, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules require that all public water systems be designed with a minimum of 15 percent extra capacity. 374 0 obj If so, that is another major concern for liability should he interpret this agreement to read the meters as having free reign to the systems facilities. o0?LgGt{Cifk_Kat2'~ez{*R,r08e0@Bf1+oxG t%&L!XD(gTn6"LXa9t> <8D> <8D> <2022> described above, SWWC currently supplies water to at least 5,465 active LUEs (i.e., single-2 Living Unit Equivalents (LUEs). The customer says there is a gate at the back of his property (more than 500 feet away). PUC rules also support the tariff stating that customers/members of a WSC are only qualified to receive service when theyve complied with the written provisions included in the WSCs tariff. The best way to verify whether a customer has a prohibited second connection is by performing a new customer service inspection (CSI). The closest thing we have to a bottom line here is that a system can remove the meter, but they still need to maintain capacity at that same location in case a future applicant wants to re-install another water meter there. One note here about equipment costs to replace the assets being removed TCEQ explained this to include the price of a meter, tapping saddle, curb stops, meter box, service tubing and any parts which were purchased by the original applicant when the service was first installed. Only the labor to reinstall the meter, a new customer service inspection fee, the BPAT test if there was a backflow assembly there before, and the refundable membership fees could be charged to the new applicant at that previously served location. <00> C+vdt\?K(Pwu,Gu-=s-^|8o!$cntc}Egg=/ckY0 \ <89> <89> <2030> There should be a calibration or certification of accuracy with the new meter. 0000002157 00000 n #9: "We're already listed as very high risk. <95> <95> <2022> Do we have to provide water to the new meter on this line? This is a hard line for systems to take, but otherwise you are operating on an honor system in which the applicant has little incentive to uphold his or her end of the bargain. <91> <92> <2018> After you establish a system's ERU quantity, you can use it to determine the number of ERUs for other types of service connections. /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin Save. We would like to have the chain restaurant apply for and install a meter since the convenience store has a meter and active account. <85> <85> <2026> G{|(> 7 There is no requirement where a WSC can request the landowner to be registered as a business. "!#w~[^Mt__^7ea?VU> {9Vh*A!_Q~" [w|V}.f%z[o~di_Yzbb{[Xu]\*lq& <80> <80> <20AC> Installing multiple meters on a single undivided property with a line running across the property could lead to easement issues in the future. As for the TCEQ 290 rules, master meters are to be calibrated for groundwater systems once every 3 years and surface water meters every year. The original members account should be closed out at the old address. Examples of Equivalent Residential Connection in a sentence. <80> <80> <20AC> What a system considers to be reasonable access may vary. Also do you have any recommendations for a particular meter read system? Is this a fool-proof verification? Therefore, removing the meter box completely could allow the utility to reduce its total number of connections for purposes of determining the systems necessary capacity. <9F> <9F> <0178> These waivers usually apply only when the customer voluntarily contacts the system to either install the appropriate number of meters or allow for inspection by system staff to verify that the other connections are not being used. H_w"'i.wF%P)O Private or domestic wells can be used for a variety purposes, such as irrigation, drinking water and industrial uses. Where to live in Delft Wedged between The Hague and Rotterdam, Delft is a beautiful historical town that attracts those seeking a quieter lifestyle with good city connections. If the WSC has an easement properly filed at the courthouse for every line and meter, the new property owner cant make the system move the meter. Present Ave. Daily Flow (B 6 + B 7 ) Single family - include all single family homes, mobile homes and seasonal dwellings in this category. endcmap {Y 9w,r, 6Q@4Og)nF9c"|A""?__ovt^o_dM`L2,s54#Pj0 The system needs to be aware of the potential liability issues with such an arrangement and should contact the systems insurance provider to find out what, if anything, would be covered if the person is injured while reading meters or causes an accident or damages some customers property. Any correspondence you send to this regard should include a deadline for the customers to contact the system to set up a CSI so the utility can verify whether any prohibited interconnection between the two dwellings exists. Section E allows for disconnection without notice when a known dangerous or hazardous condition exists for which service may remain disconnected for as long as the condition exists, including but not limited to a public health nuisance as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code Sections 341.011 or 343.011. <8E> <8E> <017D> startxref Systems generally dont want to extend their liability onto or across private property to read meters or make repairs after dark within a private property on the off chance that frequent trips onto that property raises the chance of some type of accident or damage to the owners property or tenants. s)Q0tWN The quadplexes were built in 2006 and are not located within the boundaries of a city. 12 dict begin Furthermore, Section 290.44(d)(4) states that, each community public water system shall provide accurate metering devices at each residential, commercial, or industrial service connection for the accumulation of water usage data. Section 290.38 defines a connection as a single-family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. Including this language in a notification letter to all utility customers will help explain why the system is requiring a change for existing multiple connections. You also should consult your system attorney so an agreement can be developed to set out the scope of volunteer work, as well as the timeliness of these meter readings if you decide to enter into this free meter reading arrangement. NSF 61 states that all components and materials used to cast or create the water works material/parts not contain any banned substances and that the meter, pipe, and/or parts have been properly constructed with the appropriate base materials. By having only one meter to maintain near the road system, the owner would not be responsible for installing and thereafter maintaining individual lines and meters to each of the dwellings, or for disconnecting and reconnecting each individual units separate water meter. The sample tariff allows the system to estimate a bill and notify the member of the estimate if meter access is hindered or denied. Box 13087, E8EVW:?m^_io~Kk^cQ"_fT"KMB!_ou ]oI_1QdpuOK_-21qWa;_?oN>?/]kD_I'XA_:4}]BhSl'~CA+u_;( m!QVa 8B*t6)(" L-6+$k "gbDF}/?# DWH&J_F#'2,dLj aPh0M0chw&H&; B,"m&_l/@^t\[O;H$w'p!;&C. /CMapType 2 def We think this might turn into a public relations problem. Then, once the system reaches 100 percent capacity, that system should begin constructing these new facilities to replace or build that extra 15 percent or more back into their system for future growth. A licensed operator of a water system can calibrate their own master meters regardless of size or type by using the volumetric calibration method. <<9e8032b06c2c514a87349e8822134d26>]>> 69 0 obj<> endobj both the commission's central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building C, 1st Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-2545 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. If the customer still feels that the meter belongs to her then it may be helpful to give her the phone number to the PUC so she can discuss her concerns. Both of these sections clearly state that an owner of the property to be served is the only person qualified to be a WSC member and that the meter has to be installed on the property designated to be served. \\~;XBM?!GIjM_% ]$N6+ A;#-^V_J_K_Z!m?oW16d pzpDu@N_D}v54}aM,7=?9?rIh:O7U`BVM[np`&6+mC-Ot6)Rz 6+VM?mHAMA5i }l& However, if your homeowner needs a 1" or larger meter, then the requirements for non-standard service as outlined in Section F. of the TRWA Sample Tariff would apply, including an engineering study for each oversized meter. 36 beginbfrange TCEQ staff at the time said it would be ok for a system to remove dormant or vacant taps even down to the water main, but the system could not assess any future applicant a new front-end contribution or equity buy-in fee, equipment costs to replace the assets being removed and possibly another membership fee if the system used non-refundable membership fees at those locations where these taps had been removed. Example: A 20-space trailer park with a 2-inch meter has been evaluated by some TCEQ inspectors to be the actual number of trailer spaces available. end The one meter per residence just means that a customer can't have two or more residences or businesses on a single meter. The main billing consideration is normally that meters for irrigation purposes only are typically not charged a sewer bill and if your system provides sewer service this could reduce the overall revenue if enough of these meters are installed. A: If your board has adopted the basic TRWA Sample Tariff language, then the meter costs and impact fee should stay with the property on which the meter was initially installed. Most importantly, you should enforce these policies and refuse to set a meter until you are satisfied that the applicant does, in fact, own the property on which the meter will be placed. /CMapType 2 def 0000001146 00000 n We have been mostly going by the word of individual landowners, which has recently resulted in us finding out that some of our meters were not correctly located. 67.016(d) provides that a corporation may make water or sewer service conditional on ownership of the real estate designated to receive service and from which the membership or other right of participation arises. Subsection (e) authorizes a corporation to cancel a persons membership if he fails to meet a condition of service prescribed by the corporation. It is never a good idea to set a meter at one residence with a yard or service line running across the property to the next active connection. Q: A current member of our WSC has asked for a second meter on their property. I am not aware of any legal or state regulations that would prohibit this, but I caution your board to look at every conceivable contingency and try to address them before agreeing to this free meter reading offer. Public wells supply drinking water to municipalities. The capacity requirement is driven, in part, by the maximum potential amount of water that could be pushed through that meter on a peak day. The Commercial facilities are calculated by an Equivalent . endobj Problems also come about if a leak occurs by some accident or digging operation by the front property owner and the back property owner wants them to pay for damages, or have the system discount their water bill because they didnt know they had a leak. Some systems do require individual meters to each different apartment, condo or other type business that is all owned by one individual or company. Q: I am going to change out our master meter at the well and replace it with a new one. endstream endobj 75 0 obj<>/BaseFont/Times-Roman/FirstChar 0/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 76 0 R/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 340 410 500 500 840 785 185 340 340 500 560 250 340 250 290 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 290 290 565 565 565 440 925 720 670 670 725 610 555 720 720 335 390 725 615 880 720 720 560 720 665 555 605 715 715 945 725 725 610 335 275 335 475 500 330 450 500 450 500 450 340 500 500 275 275 500 275 775 500 500 500 500 340 390 285 500 500 720 500 500 450 490 200 490 550 350 500 350 340 500 450 1000 500 500 340 1000 565 340 890 350 610 350 350 340 340 445 445 350 500 1000 340 990 390 340 730 350 450 730 250 340 500 500 500 500 210 500 340 770 280 500 570 340 770 340 410 570 300 300 340 510 460 250 340 300 310 500 750 750 750 445 720 720 720 720 720 720 885 675 615 615 615 615 340 340 340 340 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 565 720 720 720 720 720 720 560 500 450 450 450 450 450 450 670 450 450 450 450 450 280 280 280 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 565 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500]>> endobj 76 0 obj<>stream =4$y]/%(%DL A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. TRWA recommends that systems stop floating memberships and meters from one property to another because of the confusion it creates. Over the past year Ive talked to at least a dozen systems with existing AMR meters who are upgrading or replacing them due to older meter batteries not holding up. <80> <80> <20AC> Is this legal or what problems could this create? 0000001086 00000 n The CSI inspector should make a note on the CSI form stating that the well has been completely disconnected from all the potable water lines serving the dwelling units. The TRWA Sample Tariff addresses this issue and follows the Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chapter 24 rules about the systems ability to access a meter for repairs and normal service. In this case, applicants pay for what is necessary to provide them with their individual service, including his or her part of line upgrades, wells, tanks or treatment capacities before receiving service or entering into a service contract; the system pays for any facility capacity in excess of what the individual needs. Our employees drive around the community daily and can tell that there are clearly people living at these second residences. B. Multi-Family Residential A twelve-inch (12") water main shall be required to loop through a multi-family district. This just means that when the new or existing master meter needs to be tested, the operator can either use an existing, on-site storage tank or any large tanker (fire truck if the capacity is large enough) with a known capacity to verify the meter accuracy. Well meters required by 290.41(c)(3)(N) of this title (relating to Water Sources) shall be calibrated at least once every three years.. 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" Again, this is an insurance issue to address with your insurance carrier. In the case of choosing a meter read system, we suggest that the meter supplier provide you with a list of systems that uses their meters so your system can check out the pros and cons with other systems that are using the meters. Hopefully the two figures are the same or within a reasonable margin of error. This is the back property customers responsibility. 0 A. Think of it this way: what if that property owner was requesting not one meter, but four new ones? The NSF 60 standard is for chemicals used in a water system. A: This is definitely not a new question - many systems have faced this situation over the years. As a general rule, the only difference should be in base rates based on size of meter as indicated in the TRWA Sample Tariff. He has offered to buy a ladder, but does not want it left all the time, only when the meter is read. It is unclear whether the units are part of any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs for low-income residents. -tjOXWIR-9L#|qAH)=ya[AXO>_u 9U]](M:?`^V a/X`jsV60;aC}18Y_{/c%nmVlf.0FVL endcodespacerange <96> <97> <2013> Given more information about your utility we may have suggestions regarding ideas on sharing the cost of any upgrade. This eliminates the need for a system to conduct manual drive-bys and allows all meters to be read from the whole system in a matter of minutes from the office. <90> <90> <2022> These existing capacity components were and are being paid for through monthly water rates. The regulations of the Public Utility Commission also make clear in Section 24.163(a)(2)(A) & (B)that the system is responsible to furnish and install, for the purpose of connecting its distribution system to the service applicants property, the service pipe from its main to the meter on the service applicants property. Ownership of meters by the retail public utility, whether a district, WSC, city or privately owned system, is essential to the ability of the utility to effectively comply with its regulatory obligations. Know how, know you | We are IQ-EQ, a leading investor services group employing 4300+ people across 24 jurisdictions worldwide. I told her that was incorrect and that I would mail her the documentation to prove it. <84> <84> <201E> These cost-of-service issues have subsequently been transferred to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), which has been very pro-consumer when addressing complaints. Email: info@trwa.org, Water University/Utility Management Certification, TCEQ Requirement All Occupational Licensing, Wastewater Technical Assistance & Training Program, Click Here to Return to the Ask Larry Archives Homepage, Metering & One Meter per Residence Rules (Ask Larry). I have visited several systems who have purchased AMR meters that are compatible with the AMI meters. By doing this, when they get a few more meters, they can begin replacing the meter tops with these newer AMI tops. 0000001247 00000 n << /Registry (CourierOPBaseFont1) %PDF-1.7 Prior to initial connection of any Customer other than a single-family residential Customer, the District's Engineer shall calculate . <9E> <9E> <017E> << How should this be handled? 339 0 obj <> endobj <99> <99> <2122> However, TCEQs 2019 guidance on determining the number of connections served by public water systems defines active connection to include any connection that has the capacity to receive water, even if there is no customer currently receiving water service there. 1 begincodespacerange For example, the provisions of TRWAs Sample Tariff regarding non-standard service include the requirement that the corporation approve the design requirements of the applicants required facilities prior to initiation of a non-standard service contract. There is also a concern about whether your easement allows system personnel to traverse 500 feet of the owners property. Amstelveen is a leafy, prosperous, family-oriented suburb close to Amsterdam, which has a growing population of international residents. <9F> <9F> <0178> Even if the customer would only need standard service, TRWAs Sample Tariff includes the requirement that the property of the applicant/ member shall be inspected to ensure compliance with state required Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Drinking Water Systems as promulgated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or successor agency. While the board of directors is keeping the old monthly charges and rates, we only have a base rate for 1 -inch meters. They summarized that because there had been a meter at that location, the new applicant should not be responsible to pay for upgrades to the water mains because of new customers being added at other locations along that same water main. <9D> <9D> <2022> <83> <83> <0192> 12 dict begin Q: One of our members sold their property and land but did not transfer the membership. end The defined area is depicted in Appendix 1. TCEQ assesses the adequacy of a systems capacity on the number of connections on that system and takes into account the number and sizes of larger meters on that system. xb```a``Jc`f`ed@ Ar,8-O00/2\B;wOg`Xl_SKl}w>5">%QPH2F50e00,c 5RJf5v zn ' +\AF>

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