
why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?

Keebler realized this was a problem and quickly attempted to rename the cookies Droxies, a sort of softening of the name to discourage people from thinking of chemicals. He's asked me to search a few novelty shops (i.e., Cracker Barrell etc.) This news is very sad. He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. Nabisco/YouTube. Nabisco Cookies. She says there like a cookie wafer hollow flat log dipped in a rich darkest chocolate with a light peanut butter layer in the middle.yum! #SnackCation. I do remember them mostly being sold in the cooler months as the chocolate would melt very easily and most houses did not have air conditioning in those days. Ideals were what I thought of! She spread smooth peanut butter between two ritz crackers. I LOVED THEM and MISS THEM. Nothing compares to the original Ideal Cookie Bars. Not quite the same quality but really close. Not only is it dark on the outside and light on the inside, but it is lavishly ornate in its exterior design while being utterly simple within. I was thinking about these cookies today and found all your comments. I think the best advise we read was to write to Nabisco. I remember my mom used to buy the Ideal Bar or I think it was called the whirl. Come on Nabisco, no one can compare to your recipe. PLEASE MAKE THEM AGAIN. I used to buy Ideal cookies when I lived in Wisconsin. Why do they always discontinue a good thing?? The best cookie in the world ! They will always pull a box out right before we were leaving. Not like any other cookie . I would eat the top off and then eat the peanut butter inside and then the bottom. My biggest beef with the 'chocolate peanut butter' type cookies out there today is they are all too sweet! Ideal bars were the best store-bought cookies ever made. "Correction" I called this Cookie a candy bar in my rush..my apologies. I've been scouring store shelves since, but no sign of them or anything close. You won't be sorry!! Like some of you my mom would have to hide them. I still hunt for them from time to time. Even at 50 every year at Christmas I long for them, well really all year. The Streett Family. Under the Jewish dietary laws of kosher, pigs, the source of lard, are a forbidden food. The post accurately reports that Nabisco parent company Mondelz International is closing two U.S. cookie plants; however, it inaccurately claims jobs will be shipped to Mexico and the decision . I HAVE TO HAVE ONE .OUR KIDS NEVER EVEN TASTED ONE IF WE ALL WRITE TO NABISCO ABOUT THEM ,MAYBE THEY WILL CONSIDER MAKING THEM AGAIN .I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE 10 BUCKS A BAG LOL WELL,I DO BUT I WOULD PAY IT FOR IDEAL COOKIE BARS. The Ideal cookies were also a great treat in our household. I wish Nabisco would either start making them again or provide a recipe for us to make them. We only had them during the winter, I don't think they could hold up to the Louisiana summer heat, they melted so easily. Does anyone remember how some of them used to be more rounded and others were flatter? Nabisco Ginger Snaps Cookies - 16oz : Target The best cookie of the 60s and 70s. And I guess there's ony one real answer. BRING THEM BACK!!! Bring back, Bring back, Bring back that cookie to us, to us (Sung to the tune of, Oh, you'll get it:) If Anyone has a Recipe, Please Publish It! in the 70s, Food of the Seventies, Ideal Cookies My husband and I lived in the mountains befor they had cable, so we would listen to the stereo and have Ideal cookies and Milk two or three times a week! Too bad Nabisco/Mondel. Please bring this cookie back so my children can enjoy them too!!! The cookie took a long time to eat, but it didn't last a long time at the grocery store. I'm sorry I just read Pollies comment, trust me Reese doesn't come close, I've looked for years for this cookie, and now that I've remembered it's time to hammer Nabisco. Here's to getting them back! I wrote Nabisco and sent the link to this site. Why did they discontinue the cookies!! I agree with everybody on this page. I don't believe Nabisco would ship them during the summer months, at least here in New England. Please, someone foreward all these requests to Nabisco. Are there any other theories out there? They were his favorite and he used to dole them out like they were going extinctoh, they did!!!!!! We looked so forward to going to the store and getting a couple packs to share. I had no idea when I typed the name ideal peanut butter bars into google how many like minded souls there would be!! The peanut butter was kind of salty and my brother and sister and I could eat a whole pack of them. Go figure! I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! I do not know why Nabisco do not hear the voices crying. Still to this day every time I am in the grocery store cookie isle I look for Ideal Bars. That really sucks, Nabisco really had something there. One time my sister's boyfriend was over and things were a bit tense. I knew they were peanut butter logs - I couldn't remember the Ideal part. How difficult can this be? I had a friend in Missouri I used to mail seeveral packages at a time to around Christmas. I am glad to see I am not the only Ideal obsessed kook out there. I talk about them and people have no idea what I am talking about. You have to keep them refrigerated because the chocolate will melt. I think maybe Nabisco, but not real sure. They were the best. Glad to find this comment page and know we are not nuts. Bacon flavored Ritz Crackers are flaky and delicious with a savory taste thats perfect for pairing, topping, or popping. Nothing made today compares! I just stole one of my kids' Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter Chocolatey Granola Bars. Thanks. They sent some coupons to me in the mail and stated they would report my request. PLEASE bring this cookie back. Maybe they can assist to get them back, They were the best cookies EVER MADE nd NOTHING compares. Little Debbie are close. I miss them. I would love to have them again. I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. Perhaps if we all email Nabisco. Even though I feel cookies made from scratch using the finest ingredients can't be beat. Nabisco Brands History and Timeline - ThoughtCo Well once upon a time my Mom bought these cookies and I faked being sick to stay home from school so I could find where she hid them. Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. I sent an email directly to the company and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). Dad always got a pack when we all went to the grocery as a familywe'd open the pack while shopping and they were gone before we hit the register! They were the best ever, especially cold. Reminds me of my mom, too. It's a shame they don't listen to the loyal consumers (as this blog demonstrates)and make that investment into bringing back such a popular item. Grew up in the Detroit area . I miss you Ideal cookies. We could not get enough! OMG!!!!! i loved the ideal bars, tagalongs are good, also little debbie has a good one, peanut butter bars almost the exact of the ideal bar, i always wipe that one off the shelf, bring back the ideal bar nabisco. Do any of you remember how much better they tasted when they were cold. I loved those cookies. (He liked Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, too). There are a few FAKE ones on the market but nothing like the real IDEAL cookies. See. I too loved these wonderful cookies. Just go and like the Facebook page "Bring Back the Nabisco Ideal Cookie Bars". I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. Unite. Surely someone out there has enough influence on some high level executive at Kraft Foods to reintroduce this extraordinary cookie!!! She had the idea of looking for them online. I found that the peanut butter Twix is similar, but these are hard to find. Golderberger had some thoughts on the Hydrox, too. I want one so much! If products don't seem to be popular with our consumers, and demand starts to drop, a decision is made to discontinue the item. I've been looking for them for years!!!!! These Cookies RoCkEd! But the cookies design, which was initially sold with an exotic English biscuit twist, was pretty interesting for its era: With an industrial press from a mold, the cookie took on the look of a flower. Mom would hide them in the refrigerator, but I always found them. There was just one problem. I'll definately sign it! Those packages sure did go fast! These fan-favorite s'mores crackers featured a chocolate, marshmallow-flavored filling sandwiched between its classic buttery crackers. I dream of these cookies. They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. -- I'm in! The recipe I normally use as the closest approach to the original Brown Edge Wafer that Nabisco used to make is this one from Cookie Madness, based on a recipe from the potato flour packaging. You also need to bring back the Lemon Cooler and Cherry Cooler cookies! I hope someone takes the challenge on! Not to many, and just enough (until the next trip to the store! An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. They were a very high quality cookie. Where can you find these cookies ? The Best cookie EVER! There's only one way to get big corps attn anymorethe moneybet if we all boycotted Nabisco and Kraft products we'd have them by next Christmas! I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! If you want to have Ideal Bars again before you die, there is only one way to do it. they really left an impression on me. But I was really let down. Good times. My dad used to ration them to me and my 3 siblings, otherwise we would eat them all in an hour! Please, Please start making the Peanut Butter with Dark Chocolate cookies, these are the best cookies, there is no other and will never be any other cookies out there that is as wonderful as these cookies. Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America. they were and are my favorite cookies,no other peanut butter cookie bar comes close, silly me I thought I was the only one missing them. My sister and I wear talking about these cookies and I had to google them. They were kept in the little cupboard between the fridge and stove. Nabisco, come on, look at all the sales here. an update: I just received a msg indicating that my note referenced above was not deliverable to "cis@nabisco.com". I can still taste them. I loved them, too! LEMON COOLERS! My favorite way to eat them was to first fill a double old-fashioned glass with ice-cold milk. My friend (RIP) and i would walk to the corner store (even in th snow) and buy them..great memories of growing up..i miss those cookies !! Melt the Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate morsels. Come on you guys bring them back. I'll sign a petition too! google_alternate_color = "E7F0EB"; Loved Ideals-The Very Best! My sister, my best friend (who passed away at the age of 39)introduced the Ideal cookie to me. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! Every trip down the cookie isle, I scan every shelf looking for them. Nabisco, you've got to back Ideals!! I would love Nabisco to bring this delicious chocolate delightful cookie back! Wow, I can't believe I'm not the only one craving these cookies, I remember waking up in the middle of the night as a child and going to the fridge for one of these cookies, I would always tip the box forward as to look like there wern't many gone.my mom always new who to blame when only one was leftI REALLY MISS THESE COOKIES!! For months, some Canadians have been searching in vain for their beloved Dad's chocolate chip cookies. Hands down the #1 cookie of all time. Nabisco workers had said their first strike in 52 years is about keeping what they already had as employees producing Oreo cookies, Ritz crackers and other snacks for Nabisco parent Mondelez . Please, oh please, bring them back. Maybe someday we'll get 'em back! I think I saw the Nabisco executives all testifying before congress and each one in turn said "Ideal cookies are not addictive" and they had to pay millions in a settlement. I found this board in 2011. Still dream about these - anybody ever try to make them at home? I've thought about them for years and could not understand why they are no longer available, OMG!!!!!!!!!! She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products. My god we are all correct best damn cookie ever made. Love them and really wish they would bring them back the SAME as the were! LET'S GET MOVING ON THIS! Getting the lard out: The koshering of the Oreo cookie There are none like them. Nabisco, are you listening? Youd be surprised how many companies are hoarding trademarks, Kassoff told The Consumerist in 2014. I have been craving them for years. Womens Hairstyles . I must say that I am rather in accord with the previous statement by Tom. The chocolate peanut butter logs were a staple in my grandmother's cupboard. to see if I can find these cookies. Funny that ideal cookies are one of the few things I recall from my early years. Thanks a bunch, Nabisco. It's decades later and those of us middle aged and older would enjoy having a cookie that tastes like something other than sugar to snack on. Board members cower before the notion of diminished profits and will never stand for the reintroduction of a product, no matter how beloved, if that product cannot yield profits alternatively higher than some other. There obviously must have been a quiet, well financed deal made for Nabisco to "bow out" of the competition! Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in making our lives better. I cannot beleive that the powers that be at "Nabisco" are not aware of the number of people that want these cookies back at any cost. What happened to Bacon Thins crackers? - Wise-Answer I think about them all the time. What Are Some of the Cookies Discontinued by Nabisco? - Reference.com Growing up in the 60's, my mom would splurge every now and then and buy them--what a treat. Please we need to unite and get Nabisco to bring the Ideal bar cookie back. More information. the real reason is that it was the perfect cookie. Remember biting into them and then dunking them in milk in such a way that milk would fill then void. which are offered at higher prices. I have e-mailed Nabisco begging for them to just bring them back as a seasonal item or a limited time only so me & my sisters could stock them in the freezer but I think if everyone would e-mail them maybe they would listen. Bring Back Ideal Cookies on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bring-Back-The-Nabisco-Ideal-Cookie-Bars/256146701090663. What will it take to get nabisco to bring back ideal bars? Waiting to see how it reacts with milk compared to what I remember. I'm sure that each Ideal cookie produced will be picked up at the factory by those of us who are in love with them. I'D Sign the petition in an instant! Mix together flour and potato starch flour; add to butter mixture and stir until combined. Wow, I went online looking for Count Chocula and I found this great support group for fans of the greatest cookie ever! I agree with all of you, BEST COOKIE EVER!!!! Now that I have my own home I would love to have them back. My son has never had one. Once Nabisco had removed the lard, mainly for health reasons, going kosher became possible. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. They were definitely one of the best cookies made!! WOW! I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! I too was an Ideal Bar Addict. My grandmother, mother, step-dad and other relatives use to work for Nabisco (anywhere from office, management & factory workers). i thought my husband and i were the only ones that missed these cookins, boy was i wrong. Oreos were made with lard. Never in the summer. Nabisco is owned by Kraft Foods. I am so glad I'm not the only one who misses Ideal cookies. These were and remain my all-time favorite cookie. Midnight munchies were also a time to slip away to savor these delectable treats. On my birthday as a 'Twenty Something' I asked for Ideal cookies instead of a cake!! I loved these Ideal Peanut Butter Bars tooooo much! Nothing compares. The problem, you mightve guessed, is its name. The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . To the lady who stated that little debbie bars tasted like the ideal bars, must not ever had the real Nabisco Ideal bars. One or the other of us would always make a special stop at the only little store in town that stocked them and between my sister and I they could not keep enough on the shelf. My Mom and I were just talking about Ideal cookies. It just so happened to be a day when Dad took an Ideal bar headcount. The absolute BEST cookie ever produced on this planet in my lifetime. I did NOT have to share them. I miss the darn things too. You would think with all these comments about the Ideal cookies Nabisco would want to satisfy their customers. Something NEEDS to be done here!!! 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Lots of people WANT these cookies back in production!!! We are sisters who grew up in California in the 60's and 70's and were TOTALLY addicted to the Ideal cookie bar!!! That off colored orange package. They also said if enough people contact them,. They were his favorite. They were best after being in the fridge. Yes, that has been over 30 yrs ago. Let's all call and complain! And it didnt help that that there was an existing Hydrox Chemical Company on the market, one that sold hydrogen peroxide and was caught up in a trademark lawsuit at the time over the use of the word hydroxa lawsuit that noted the term was used for coolers, for soda, even for brands of ice cream. I googled Ideal cookies tonight and am absolutely STUNNED at how many people LOVED these cookies as much as me!!!!! I would do almost anything for a package of Ideal cookies. Yes Bring Ideal Bars back! A current Facebook thread on the topic is full of tales about quests for the item. As a matter of fact,they were terrible. Have missed my favorite cookie for years. I also feel the same way about the old Hershey 'Bar None' candy bar, which only lasted a short timeduring the 1990's. Still, it is the Oreo that has become the icon.. There has never, ever been a cookie that has come close to that incredible treat. These were absolutely the best.I don't remember when they stopped making these, but I DO recall not finding them at the stores and, after a while, forgetting about them, until recently.yes, they only came out in the fall because the delicate chocolate coating would melt in the heat of summer, so they weren't shipped then. I love these cookies. You'd make a bundle on themhealth-kick or not, people loved theseand you don't break what's not broken. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. It was the highlight of dessert. I'm beginning to wonder if these were laced with cocaine! Oh these were my favorite cookies. Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? OMFG. I so miss the original Ideal Peanut Butter Bar Cookies. )which got me thinking again about the best cookie ever, IDEAL! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse, bring these cookies back. Then she dunked the whole thing in melted semi-sweet chocolate chips. Come on Nabisco make our day!! Check out Little Debbie's substitute, Peanut Butter Crunch Bars: http://www.littledebbie.com/products/PBBars.asp I can't peel the chocolate off them like I did on the Ideals, but they're quite acceptable. Please bring back the best cookie everIdeal cookies!! So I walked 5 huge blocks in Altadena CA. I've been looking for them for years-I was thinking maybe I just didn't remember the name and that's why I couldn't find them. How can we all start a united front to get the cookies back on store shelves? I'm about 10 years younger than my siblings and they used to have us begging like dogs just to get the cookies. Oreo factory shutdown: Mondelez to close N.J. Nabisco plant, but says Join the facebook group "Bring Back Ideal Cookie Bars" http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_90612602794 Maybe we can all get a "movement" together or at least find the original recipe LONG LIVE IDEAL!!!! I believe that is why they discontinued them. I am so dissapointed I can't get these for him. I grew up on them and have many memories of hiding them from my sister. Hey NABISCO ITS TIME!!! COME BACK FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still remember them and I'm going to write to Nabisco/Kraft asking them to bring them back! Discontinued Nabisco Products | OfficeWorld.com Maybe they stopped making them because they were too expensive to make. The Ideal Bars by Nabisco was the best cookies that one could buy from the store. However, Reeses sticks are too sweet and less rich than the Idea Bar. Mybe even the show unwrapped. This TEMPLE OF ANSWER that i met on this was my God of savior please contact them now if you are having same problem email is templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk phone number is +2348155425481. If you can believe it (and it's true) I actually went through shock treatment using Ideal bars as a food I should not eat (a loose weight gimmick in the 70's which is still used for smoking). PLEASE bring them back!!! My Mother would buy these and send them in our lunch boxes for dessert and they we super-delicious!!!! Lets face it: Nabisco has changed hands numerous times since Ideal Peanut Butter Bars went off the market and, as far as I'm concerned, the quality of their product has gone WAY down since. My dad used to get at least to boxes of these one for himself and another for the kids. NOW!!!!!! When I was growing up my mother would buy IDEAL BARS and hide them too.I have 7 brothers and sisters and when we found them they didn't last too long.My mom would be so mad she would spank our butts.The next time she bought them we would do the same thing.They were worth every whack!Please bring them back,my mom is too old to catch us now! Please bring them back! Sign up and like! I am so glad I found this site. Ya Gotta bring EM back they are the true IDEAL snack of all time!!! These cookies were the source of numerous battles in my house. It was child abuse I tell ya. Let's get on the 'stick' and urge them! What happened to capitalism? Whoever bought it or felt the need to make a change . She says candy bars today do not compare to the real dark chocolate coating because she says today's candy bars are made with very little real chocolate or coco. They were the best with a cup of coffee!!!! I miss these cookies too! And even if theyll always be the second banana compared to Oreo, they have a spot in the grocery store again. I LOVE dark choclet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you all really want to do something about it, go to the Nabisco website. I would love to be able to see him try one for the first time! Please bring them back! . But then I would probably gain 10 pounds! I would love to see them make a comeback! Ideal cookies were a great part of childhood. Bring the discontinued cookies I've spoken so passionately for back as a "Classic" or "Vintage" brand. Please bring them back!!!! Whenever I find myself in the cookie aisle of the supermarket - I look for them - still to this day - hoping they have come back. I remember Ideal Bars as a kid,and really disappointed that they discontinued them.NABISCO WAKE UP, PEOPLE WANT THEM BACK.Little Debbie would be close with their version if they used dark chocolateBut Ideal is no.1 in my opinion. If I were the head of NABISCO, or your parent company, KRAFT, this would ALREADY HAVE BEEN DONE years ago!!!!!! They're calling to me now! These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. Kids can't grow up without tasting these! I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. I was in elementary school and my Mother used to buy these cookies for herself and give us kids two and hide the rest. I am so excited to find so many other Ideal-a-holics! When Keebler took ownership of the Sunshine Foods brands in the late 90s, most people thought Hydrox was the Johnny-come-lately, when it was really Oreo that had entered the market second. It was one of the best treats she couldve given to us. Wow, I thought I was the only one who remembered these great tasting cookies. I've asked people over the years but haven't found anyone else that remembers them. Those Ideal bars were so great, maybe the top notch ingredients didn't leave them enough profit. After a little research I have discovered that Nabisco was bought by Kraft back in 2000. I aqree that with all the boring cookies out there and the market for gourmet cookies Nabisco couldn't find a way to market them or sell the recipie to a gourmet cookie company who could market them. I thought about these cookies last night and made a note to Google them to see if they're still made. YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS MANY PEOPLE WANTING THIS COOKIE AND IGNORE THEM. My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). Of course Mom would hide them from us and I could not wait until I grew up so I could buy them for myself. I've been wanting the name of the IDEAL bars so I could tell Nabisco to make them again. Nothing can compare , more like a candy bar . I sooo love these cookies!! They were our special treat. I agree that they were the best store-bought cookies ever. I cant believe what i have found. Fact check: Oreos maker Nabisco is not sending US jobs to Mexico PLEASE bring them back! To date the closest I've seen to this most stupendous but unavailable product is the peanut butter Twix. BEST COOKIE EVER MADE!! Feel free to have friends and family make additional requests. The price got really high and they did not sell that well. They truly were the best cookies ever. When my parents bought the ideal bars, it was a big deal. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. So i made the recipe as per instructions, with only one change: swapping in a cup of rice flour for the cup of potato flour. I want them back too, they were my favorite. Even though they were a little pricey compared to other cookies my mom always bought them because she knew how much I loved them. I am so disappointed they have discontinued them. 2023 Atlas Obscura. Please bring them back.

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