
ner yisroel news

Show me one real Lubavitcher that goes there. With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. A Freilichen Purim. We were so sorry to see the of mischanneled in a into disgusting . THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! Chabad is about ahavas yisroel and bringing moshiachnot sure howRead more , .. ? , I wonder how many ner yisroel graduates there are that go to Chabad houses for guidance and yiddishkeit after they went OTD. We have to remember that the Rebbe cares more about what they did to themselves. Theyre such idiots its out of control. The report provided witness testimonies that describe the moments leading to the crash as well as . BYU art show questions news literacy, finding fact vs. fiction. No. The Menahel should have responded appropriately. Were we offended? Even less know is the fact that the founder of N.I.- Rabbi Rudermans -father was a Lerned chossid of the Rebbe Rashab. Thanks for that prospective. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights that are not put on social media.. We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the Purim shtick that was done. This is a good beginning. Really your going to say Take it easy because its purim?! Whoever you are. A picture of the REBBE hanging in a Litvisher Moised? When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. Mi kAmchaRead more . We dont like being mocked, we shouldnt mock other Jews. Stop judging. one thing he can be sure of: the Aibershter isnt viewing this behavior as a joke and isnt laughing. Was sent The reaction of the principal makes it smell even more. The three week sessions take place twice a year on Ner Yisroels campus: for South Americans on their summer break during the Northern Hemispheres winter, while Mexican and Central American teens attend the summer session. This was a full week ago. Bring them closer with love -send the students and staff weekly sichos and letters of the Rebbe. He was also famed for his beautiful and inspiring tefillos as a ba'al tefillah. I was supposed to be offended? In the meantime, at least send them letters of the Rebbe and weekly sichos to start learning chasidus. Good for the bochurim who went to apologize but it isnt that courageous like some other commentator thinks. Thats a joke. The maggidei shiur in Yeshiva, as well, are a study in diversity. ner yisroel news HaRav Boruch also served at his fathers side as Assistant Menahel of the yeshiva; after the latters petirah, he succeeded him as Menahel in 2021. BDE: HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, Z'TL, Nasi Of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel 2) Unless I am mistaken, no one has reported that the boys who came to the Kaplan house showed anything other than genuine remorse and respect (no sarcasm or obnoxious smirking, giggling, etc.). and in business the CEO We dont dress Tomchei Temimim up in a ner Yishmoel clown suit because 1. it would a profound disrespect to Tomchei Temimim and 2. wed never think of it. spirit of certain individuals Hamans!!!. How old are we?! I have to say its super original and creative. Dont you realize that what they picked up on Will stay with them forever? Chas vshalom this could lead to teachers sticking up for students when they do things that hurt others. These people have no bushah! And shtus, It caused widespread uproar over its mockery of Chabads customs and even the Rebbe himself. Its an excellent mossad just like Harvard is a great mossad. These boys come from all over the United States and Canada; many attend public school all year; others are enrolled in Hebrew day schools but come from homes with little or no Torah observance. March 1, 2018 - 14 Adar 5778. A life infused with chassidus leaves no room for such baseless hatred. We dont need an apology. Thus the ones writing the letter were not the perpetrators! living in 2018 this should not be happening. Teach your bochurim , for the health and welfare of these rabbeim, parents and kids please go to the ohel and apologize. Ner Yisroel is not some dinky little dump of aRead more , Anyone who thinks he can be a true emesdik tzadik or talmid chacham WITHOUT any relationship to his Rebbe or Chasidus is called a Tzsdik in pelz But not anger. Forty years ago a shliach put up a menorah in the town square of a small city, and a non-frum Jewish lady became extremely upset and wrote letters of protest to the local newspaper. Theres nothing wrong with serving HaShem differently then another Yid might be serving HaShem. The fact that the institution did not send out a formal letter with a stationary and the signature of the Rosh Yeshiva is a complete chutzpah to Lubavitch. You are all very judgemental with your comments Does the Rosh think by calling Collive he is exempt from his responsibility. Not on the not good OTHERS do. . | Dr Shame on the kids but more a shame on the menahel who seems to be passing this off as no ones business. But we can see past it (Im not talking about the disrespect towards the Rebbe) and not let this get us down. Disavow, A slight turn, Doesnt feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot. Spirited reigns in Ner Yisroels bais medrash, where talmidim in their critical, formative years spend three sedorim a day and beyond learning beiyun, bekius, and chazarah. And they dirtied themselves by mocking a tzaddik hador. The fact that this is the chinuch they are giving these children is of course terrible and they will be accountable for it, buy why post the pictures of this shmutz??? And its revolting The hanhalah where are the boys signatures or for that matter anybodys signature, I thought something odd , on tne lines the same as nu 2 , wss strange for ner yisroel to express themselves like this These are a bunch of eleventh grade teens who need action in their life like most normal teens.who has action?!? It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. Either way, its rare for Lubavitchers to have a visceral hatred to a fellow Jew of any other community sect within yiddishkeit. The younger bachurim and kids who dont know too much about the history between chabad chassidim and other Jews see these things and question. What a disgrace, they dont accept the malchus of the Rebbe even though their founding Rosh Yeshiva was from Chabad roots. We have to focus on what good WE can do. All their information on Chabad comes from their surroundings. Everyone should call the yeshiva & complain. AtRead more , For the furture, I have composed a list of normal and highly less destructive and hateful Purim schtick if youre in need of some extra ideas. This menahel has to know that anything can end up on social media, whether you like or not. May they be zoche to come to Chassidus! This shameful exposure that you hoped to keep for the inside sonei chabad is nowRead more . Is bizayon Ner Yisroel should be gozeir a taanis, and have a special kinnus where Lubavitchers address the entire yeshiva about the Rebbe and Chasidus, at the conclusion of which a picture of the Rebbe is placed permanently in front of the Beis Medrash and hundreds of nusach Ari siddurim are brought there for the talmidim. This will be open on Mon-Thurs from 12 noon until 4pm, and on Sundays from 11am until 5pm. Etc. This is so funny, just take a chill pill and stop behaving like baybies . we must do all we can to stop fights No one else knew or helped. in the home the parents poor them theyre just confused and tying to get attention. I feel sorry for the kids in this school that felt completely fine doing this. No coffee or babka. When surfing the internet, people are responsible for figuring out if the information is correct or not. Of course, a highly-publicized apology would be in order. 2. No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! I am sure they felt true remorse but now the hanhola had to show that they can behave like mentchen. Among his important roles in the leadership of the Yeshiva is the responsibility for acceptance of new Talmidim to the Yeshiva, monitoring the progress of each Talmid, giving Shmuessin and Vaadim as well as mentoring Talmidim who seek his advice and counsel. Let them go to the Ohel to ask for forgiveness. Then, as now, Toronto was blessed with lay leaders with Torah vision. In addition to the high level lomdus of the be'iyun shiurim, two bekius programs instill hasmoda in the talmid while broadening his familiarity with different parts of Shas. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. HaRav Beryl Weisbord is the son-in-law of Moreinu VRabbeinu Harav Weinberg ztl. Even snag though slightly less polite is just a derivative of the longer misnaged word. HaRav Boruch Neuberger is the son of HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, late Menahel of the Yeshiva. presence of many shluchim who unceasingly What is with the attackers here? | 7. The chabad shluchim have been advocating for a moment of silence in public schools so that the children can be afraid of the eye that sees and the ear that hears. And btw we make fun of them all the time too. the place looked so much better !!!! The school should be ashamed of themselves! B) Judaism has many different shitos and ways, thats the way HaShem designed us, its the way He wanted it to be. What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? Each side needs to accept the truth and virtues of the other side and not be so convinced that their way is the only way. Many people flocked to Ner. Ner Yisroel should be ashamed of themselves. this seems to be chilul Chabad not chilul hashem, Wow i am chabad and i do find this pretty funny U have to admit All u people who are saying its disrespectful and making those boys sound like there criminals your over exaggerating That is what they know of chabad and we should look at ot differently now how can they do this to lubavitch? But look how much they know about lubavitch? We lived in a frum upstate community over twenty five years ago. Also it seems to me that the danger of being insulting to the Rebbe (or any of the gdolimfor that matter )was not made clear to these talmidim by their mechanchim. TheRead more , Just need to say , the kids cant spell on Hebrew or in English! Its about time you have respect for Gedoli Yisroel. And the definition of snag means impasse not exactly a horrible thing to be called, though I admit, in todays day and age the most polite way to refer to them would be as litvak/litvish. The Shops at Riverwoods is at the center of the Riverwoods Community, a 120-acre (0.49 km2) village containing 186,667 square feet (17,341.9 m2) of retail space, 143 residences . There the husband started learning with a Chabad shliach and the couple became frum BH. the place looked so much better !!!! Truly sick, Of course nothing happened to the other boy(s). It was written by a talmid in a satirical manner if I may add. This is such a fake letter. Assuming that halacha is important to the hanhala then they know that even being nevaze a Yid who is not physically alive to ask mechila then they must go to their kever kal vechomer the Rebbe. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. He should have just apologied instead of saying that others are culpable of the same sins, Where was the administration , the mechanchim etc. Thats how you behave? Those boys made a shtick So wt? They do not seem to understand what chassidus is about. What hiskashrus to a Rebbe is about. This is like eating kashe in tomchei temimim. So this might just be a symptom, the main issue is way deeper and was expressed through this Abt #3- a spoof of elokhist philosophy Nice try. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. The preoccupation with Chabad is fascinating to me. I dont recall that to be true. The administration should apologize and promise to counsel their students to respect other Jews and learn to oppose others in a respectful manner. 24 likes. NCSYs Camp Sports is a kiruv camp for high-school aged boys located on Ner Yisroels campus for four weeks each summer. Im sick & tired of seeing these holy shteigeren. In the letter, the bochurim reveal that a teacher in their school rebuked students over creating the display, causing discord among Jewish people at a time when there is increased unity among many frum communities. Thornhill, Ontario Do not If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. I think that was wrong too but Ner Yisroel bochurim were saying nasty low life things about the Rebbe.

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