October 22, 2020#

4th dimensional beings

Space being structured by entropy more than mass. To the untrained eye, this statement makes absolutely no sense. Next, try to come up with a way to describe the appearance of a color like blue to someone who can’t see. Fourth dimensional space would seem a little lagged to our point of view as anything that hasn’t persisted long enough will have failed to emerge on their level. A Fourth-Dimensional Being is a being that resides in a "fourth dimension" in a science fictional sense. A blind spot is created where the missing steps are. The two-dimensional beings would have no idea how this was possible because, to them, you just somehow passed the only dimensional boundaries they know of. The understanding of the theory is based on the conceptual idea of spacial occupation and movement. As we look to deepen our understanding of the fourth dimension. They farm their food – emotions – in the same way that human beings farm cattle. There are several ways of trying to illustrate this expansion, but they would be very difficult to explain in this article. They sometimes have an interest in engaging with 3rd density beings, such as humans. We extrude the cube in a direction perpendicular to all of the first three. When we are asleep, we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth dimension. a recurring theme in your life) and are reading this article, it is likely that you have an entity feeding into them and milking your emotions for food. We would know that we aren’t seeing an animal or monster, but we couldn’t make ourselves see anything else. Also, if they were on the outside of a square with a dot inside,  you could quite easily reach inside that square and pull out the dot. This is impossible within the third dimension because there are only 3 dimensions which the cube is already expanded in. The entity can only exist in your field if there is something for it to hook onto. The zeroth dimension is one that we don't often think about. Sound work, movement and any work that releases thwarted energy can all help if you are conscious whilst working with it. Higher dimensional beings and 3. With consciousness blasting drugs (psychedlics etc), it seems to be that a person goes from a normal state to having their awareness blasted open, missing several important and necessary evolutionary steps in between. In order to better understand this concept, we have to slowly work our way through all of the dimensions and analyze what changes are being made between each. The lower class citizens simply live out their lives in comfort. Now, picture yourself looking down on a piece of paper and imagine that this piece of paper is home to a world existing only in two-dimensional spacetime. Mystics have called it the akashic record, or the dream time. Objects in 4D differ in length, width, height, and trength. You know something isn’t right? Their practices are rather strange: labour is seen as a privilege, meaning that only the highest people in society actually have a job. This work by Dragon Intuitive is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The battle between good and evil starts here. For them, it would be really mundane. Seventh-dimensional beings come in many forms. - posted in Science! Next, take your infinitely small point and extend it in a single straight line in any direction. Following this,  her path rapidly became one of deep compassion for the Earth and environment. It doesn’t want to starve. We live in four dimensions, please note. All of these dimensional measures extend in a direction perpendicular to the previous three. They are the smallest they could ever be, but also the largest they could ever be at the same time. If they showed up in our space they would either have to shield their true form from us and would thus look like some mundane thing, or they would appear in such a way that our brains would struggle to make intelligible sense of it. In theory, if you drew your new line in an infinite direction, you would actually create an entire one dimension. A four-dimensional space or 4D space is a mathematical extension of the concept of three-dimensional or 3D space. Often bound to a specific place, unable to exist beyond it, they can be friendly, mischievous or down right malevolent. Again, this can also be expanded infinitely to make a whole three-dimensional space, and this is obviously the dimension in which we humans live. Some might find guided meditation helpful. The only thing that differs between objects in the first dimension is their length. The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body, it one higher octave in frequency. This is the place that entities slip through the door. If you poked your finger through their world, it would just appear as a flat disk with no height when viewed from the side. These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. They don’t experience existence in that way. This time, extend it perpendicular to your original direction to create a plane. The zeroth dimension is one that we don't often think about. In this sense, the coordinates would be treated in exactly the same way as the other three directions, so it doesn’t actually add anything new to our understanding. Some higher dimensional beings are benevolent (eg. When a cube in the third dimension is expanded to infinity, it encompasses the entirety of the 3-dimensional space. It has a vested interest in being invisible. Here’s where we start to explore the unusual. Fourth dimensional consciousness is the awareness of the astral dimension in the astral body. The dimension still has no width or height, but you have given it length, and in so doing, you have put it into the first dimension. Activating your emotions? The width of a fourth dimensional beings living room, metaphorically speaking, would be measured by the number of outcome shifts or changes in state it took to get to the destination outcome. Bringing in another principle of dimensions, we can examine what would occur if the cube was expanded indefinitely. I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its User Agreement and Privacy Policy, they would be very difficult to explain in this article. Some people have a visual psychic ability that permeates into the 4th density and are able to ‘see’ them, reporting all sorts of descriptions, shapes and sizes. Length and width can be varied in the second dimension, which allows for basic shapes and geometry. Yes, it would be, other than for them it wouldn’t be experienced as time. Higher Dimensional Beings These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. Transforming a line segment in a direction perpendicular to the 1-dimensional direction brings you into the second dimension. This generally refers to a human being who was incarnated, yet didn’t move on in spirit when their body passed away. Another possibility is that they are existence that are mysteries even to 4-D beings, such as Fayt, Sophia, and Maria's powers, which absolutely baffled and amazed Blair and Luther. We run into exactly the same problems when we try to imagine a fourth dimension of space. Rather, their lives are far more interesting and less limited than ours. Another possibility is Puffy and Ruddle; however, it is also possible that all three are just recurring NPC characters that were designed to be that way by Luther and his team of developers. They come in all shapes and forms, through multiple dimensions. This would mean, in layman's terms, that Slender Man is not teleporting whatsoever, but simply able to move and walk in ways we cannot understand, and since humans understand movement in X, Y, and Z, but cannot perceive, and therefore, take advantage of "n", Slenderman has a distinct and serious advantage over humans. Lines all have the same width and the same height, but their length can be varied. If you want to make lines varying thicknesses, then you have to move into 2-dimensional lines. For them the tendency of hot dogs to exist is like the behaviour of electricity is to us. OK, so it may be a subconscious allowing, yet the power is within you. If so, please consider a donation to help the evolution of Wake Up World However, one can take her words to simply mean that she loves the world and its people; this can be said by anyone who love and want to protect their world. Fourth-Dimensional Beings have a regular life span, but time passes differently in Fourth-Dimensional Space (In reality, time passes normally for 4D beings, while the concept of time in the Eternal Sphere is trivial, as players can pick both locals and time periods to play in), so to a Third-Dimensional Being, they seem to live for millenia. For example, when using Newton’s laws to create an equation for the pressure of a gas in a container, particles are assumed to have no volume. Even though the second dimension exists within the third dimension, beings within this two-dimensional spacetime would have no idea you exist because they will have no comprehension of another direction of space — they couldn’t look up to see you because “up” is not a concept they can fathom. After this, take the 1-HC and extend it again. It’s also vitally important that we don’t deny the emotion. We have a collection of different meditations for catalysing the spiritual journey on Openhand’s audio page, all of which help to let go of attachments. Even for those of us with the most powerful visual imaginations, trying to picture how a four-dimensional object would look in a three-dimensional world is impossible. The heroic beings of the aboriginal dream time would be fourth dimensional beings.

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