October 22, 2020#

advantages of mass media

Therefore, this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Mass Media. Two methods, laboratory experiments and field studies, were used in those studies. Consumers and Producers, (New York; HarperCollins. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. The first approach to promoting Heath Education is Mass Media. This has been an imitation of a scene from a movie that has been released the same year as that incident took place. Let us look at the year 1993, when a two-year-old child was kidnapped and murder by two eleven-year-old boys. According to Lane, “by definition, mass communication is a message created by a person or a group of people sent through a transmitting device (a medium) to a large audience or market.” [1] To make it simpler mass media is: radio, television, film, newspapers, internet, books, video games and other devices that reach and influence people all over the world.2 The three main functions of mass media are to provide us with information and entertainment and allow us to kill boredom. The study by American Academy of Pediatrices, sexuality, contraception, and reference to abstinence or sexually transmitted to sex a teen will see on television each year. According to Cardwell and Flanagan: Under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhabits its use. All this may lead children to become confused and disorientated. The second factor is the change in attitudes that often occurs through television viewing. However, according to Levine, parents can take action and lower the exposure of their children to violence or take part in what they are watching.27, Levine emphasis that the first step that parents should take is to limit the time that children sit in front of the television or spend time using other mediums, but most importantly parents should be a part of what their children watch. Social Media Paper The researchers have noticed that boys and girls, who have seen, Woody Woodpecker, acted more violently than children that have seen the non-violent one. monster that seeks to manipulate and control public opinion. They have examined various programs, including children programming, on six Canadian television networks. I think that parents play a large role here since it is their duty to talk to their children and help them distinguish right from wrong. It is more a matter of how much time parents allow their children to be exposed to such devices. The relationship which exists between advertising, the consumer goods industry and the crucial economic role of women as consumers is the basic explanation for the critical focus on sex-role portrayal. Introduction Those two eleven-year-old boys were imitating the main characters in the movie. This essay will, What are some differences between the internet and more traditional media? The experiment is performed in a laboratory and usually consists of the controlled manipulation of a single factor to determine its impact on another factor. A Guide to Protecting Our Children from Media Violence, (San Francisco; their child’s television viewing.” 29 Levine stated that, the only concern that parents have when it comes to watching television is the time their children stay up. When it comes to the social requirements of our life, we need to familiarize ourselves with our to be friends and forever strangers, the world is a small village. Jasmin Melanson The person performing the behavior is known as the model, and the learner is known as the observer.”11 Observational learning is the process of children imitating characters from TV and their behaviors. Mass media promotes the diffusion of diverse culture and historical heritage and helps different people embrace their diversity. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Frequent viewing of television violence may cause children to be less anxious about violence. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. We live in a world that is controlled by technology. 20 Lindsay Hutton, http://life.familyeducation.com/computers/television/65248.html. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the UKDiss.com website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The use of anonymous accounts can foster the destruction of someone’s reputation. The use of mediums takes up most of the time that children have for themselves during the day and the time that they should spend on other activities. Girls are more likely. This crime has occurred after the, 22KidsHealth from Nemours. Studies have proven that advertising has been a prime target of attack and scrutiny. Looking at the above findings it can be concluded that violence in media has a huge effect on children, as well as on adults. In this modernized world, it is justified to state that the world revolved around mass media. For many years massive amount of violence in media has been of great concern not just for parents, but also for researchers and psychologists. According to the article Research on the Effects of Media Violence, hundreds of studies conducted over the years proof that “exposure to media violence causes children to behave more aggressively and affects them as adults years later.”8 The article also mentions that in 1956, a laboratory experiment has been conducted on 24, 7 Joseph R. Dominick, The Dynamics of Mass Communication; 3rd ed. As stated by Signorielli, the medium that is part of everyday life and most often used by us is the television. Television still has an impact on cultural meanings. To many people, however, it is something much more sinister - a The meaning of mass media is embedded in what it does for the people who use it. Before we take a further step into looking at the effects of violence in mass media let us define mass media. With the kind of the life we are living and the kind of pressure we are in today in terms of technological demands, we tend to have a growing need to reach more number of people. As a result he declared that boys and girls who were exposed to a few hours of television on daily basis were more likely to be aggressive as adults. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? INTRODUCTION Due to the massive exposure of media violence children become desensitized to real acts of violence. Children who have seen an episode of Woody Woodpecker were more violent toward other children and were the ones to break things. They want to be and act alike because they think it is acceptable to do so. Researchers, who take an interest in media violence, especially televised violence, and in how it influences children, have put forward four findings: The first and perhaps most important factor is observational learning, which refers to the process through which people learn to imitate role models and types of behavior, especially if the behavior is perceived as being rewarded. (Collins Pocket English Dictionary, 1981 edition) All parents teach their children that kicking, hitting or biting is wrong. Their studies have shown that the number of violence acts on television has risen by 378 per cent that is between the years 1993 and 2001. The meaning of mass media is embedded in what it does for the people who use it. Somewhat cautiously it can be said that media violence has affected children in the past and still is. 25, Media violence and its influence have been of concern for decades. What are some advantages and disadvantages of using the internet in advertising? Media violence may, however, stimulate aggressive behavior by desensitizing children to the effects of violence. Social Media Paper Field experiments are more realistic than laboratory experiments but they are also harder to control.7, Media violence has not just been a concern of parents, researchers and psychologists, but also of government. They are often short in length and focus on a single situation. Social Media This could encourage a discussion on what consequences would there be in real life.32 Parents should help their children understand right from wrong and help them realize that violence is not the answer to our problems and that what they see on television is not always acceptable in real life. Gelletly also states that in some cases of violence there are similarities and imitations of movie characters that the children saw. There are various ways in which we sought each other for. Company Registration No: 4964706. In this study my main focus is on the effects media violence has on children and how parents can approach children to reduce the effect of media violence. Researchers have divided these children into two equal groups. Many people who watch televised violence may already engage in violent behavior or possess aggressive tendencies, and may then find in television a form of justification for their actions.6, 6 Brent D. Ruben and Todd Hunt, Mass Communication. 9 Media Awareness Network, http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/violence/effects_media_violence.cfm . 22. of people." Commercial television and magazines are the major vehicles for advertising consumer products because it particularly addresses female images. Violence appeared most frequently during the afternoon (2 to 5 PM), with 191 acts per hour; early morning (6 to 9 AM), with 158 acts per hour; and prime time, with 102 acts per hour.” 4 As said by Signorielli, most of the violent acts that are on television may channel the message that aggressive behaviors are not actually considered wrong. The use of television makes duplication of information possible in a way that reduces production costs which promotes mass education. Essay on Mass Media Advantages and Disadvantages - The present age is considered as an age of information. They are able to divide their attention between two or more devices at the same time.19 “Counting each device separately, these kids have found a way to cram in a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes of media content into those 7 and a half hours.” 20 During that time children will witness hundreds of violent acts and for many it will be difficult to tell the difference of what is real and what is fiction. The more televised violence a child watches, the more acceptable aggressive behavior becomes for the child. 1 . (20 points) There is a growing need for the need for reliable source of information. It enables faster transfer of news and information regardless of distance, Mass media enables the sharing of various talents from diverse individuals, Mass media provides programs that aid in the education of smaller children, Through mass media, consumer products are able to be promoted which in turn will increase the sales. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Mass Media 1358 Words | 6 Pages. it serves to attract attention, entertain, inform, the media serves to add value and confidence to individuals … . No plagiarism, guaranteed! Mass media makes life easy and fun. In recent years a similar experiment has been conducted except this time a human being dressed as a clown took over the role of the rubber doll. The fourth factor involves the process of justification. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! There is a great controversy whether media violence has any impact on children’s behavior. 20, 2010) http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/kids-television-47102701. Approximately 14,000 references to sex each year are viewed by the young television viewer.

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