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Is it not the job of government to regulate and tackle unfairness, ensure that sections of the population do not exploit others and provide services which are either unprofitable or essential to a standard and at a cost that all can afford? why not at the age of eighteen the people recieve a pda that gives a description of the law and a unbiased test to make sure they understand it so they could then vote. Therefore, these policies should be illegal. and healthcare. An underwriter should deny such a policy as being illegal and if someone where to discover such a policy existed they should report the company who wrote it to the state commissioner of insurance. How to do that would require a massive shift in how Governments are elected and who they consist of. We in America seem to think it is always good to be in competition about everything you do. Well, we have seen that communism implemented in that state does not work. nice one, michael ftw! I am guessing the former. In most other areas they're actually more capitalist than the USA. Until then, we will continue to destroy ourselves and our planet in the almighty name of cash. Everyone should be economically equal. If the object loses value the person who sold the short makes a very high percentage of money. I don't recall that part of the film. The FDR speech about a new (2nd) Bill of Rights is incredible!!! It means more than anything else that he hasn’t the political courage to mention socialism. Wall st. can run on a free market and the middle class will be restored.

[8] The footage shows Roosevelt's Second Bill of Rights address in its entirety, as well as a shot of the eight rights printed on a sheet of paper. THE FACTS: Dodd has acknowledged that he participated in a VIP program at Countrywide, refinancing loans on two homes in 2003. This movie attacks how capitalism has been abused, though it claims to attack capitalism in and of itself. That a film offering a criticism of the profit system opens in nearly one thousand movie theaters in the United States is obviously an unusual and noteworthy occurrence. FILE - In this March 27, 2009 file photo, filmmaker Michael Moore, center, tries to speak to traders outside the New York Stock Exchange for his latest documentary looking at the consequences of corporate profiteering called "Capitalism: A Love Story." I don't think you understand that you are comparing apples to oranges. It's crying shame how greed can destroy lives and bring down the american people, depress and oppress us. The answer is (by human nature): We're a bunch or greedy bastards. The government is the worst solution to run anythihg, they always mismanage, despite increasing taxes, take a look around America! Not the world's sole superpower. They should also encourage the development of new ideas and products that enhance the lives of the population as a whole. The act of privatizing water means you are not allowed to have it without some method of payment. Bush admin was giving companies tax breaks to ENCOURAGE them to outsource work to third world countries! Live forever Michael Moore - you are TRULY a saint!!! His message is that capitalism brings out the worst of society. hench the eliminations of lobbyist and the rich having control. The plutocracy have replaced the Emperor.

That would have bolstered his arguments and shown how damaging it is when greed is everywhere. Let us group together, and tomorrow the rip people off in the day light. It is no longer defined as the simple concept of a business struggling to stay fresh and competitive while remaining beneficial - it's now defined as a system where businesses are juggernaut entities that have the government in their back pocket, and continually place ridiculous profit margins ahead of anything else, to the point where they literally leave devastation in their wake for the sake of saving a few extra dollars. Compare north-korea to south-korea. If we don't correct the slavery system of fractional reserve banking we will never rid ourselves of corruption. One person who tried to mislead the apostles about their contribution and wealth was instantly slain, killed, by God. I wonder how much of a backhander they got? IF you have lilttle money, you dont live in the best area, but you have a warm house in the winter, and you kids dont go to the best school, but nothing stops them from getting a university degree and a good chance in life. In some ways it's a good thing because it does make his information become even more main stream but I often wonder what "his" real agenda is. We see the corrupt politicians and governments within democratic systems yet can do nothing about it. [18], Deborah Young, writing for the trade paper The Hollywood Reporter, wrote of Capitalism: A Love Story, "Although it's less focused than Sicko or Fahrenheit 9/11... because its subject is more abstract, this is a typical Moore oeuvre: funny, often over the top and of dubious documentation, but with strongly made points that leave viewers much to ponder and debate after they walk out of the theater." Since then they have had a system known as corporatism. The film centers on the late-2000s financial crisis and the recovery stimulus, while putting forward an indictment of the then-current economic order in the United States and of unfettered capitalism in general. Chill out buddy. I know you are not defending capitalism, but you are not realistic at all.
That would have bolstered his arguments and shown how damaging it is when greed is everywhere. There are several ways to be notified about new content on TDF. [27] Moore also received a nomination for Best Documentary Screenplay from the Writers Guild of America. The footage of these events and the moving comments of those involved are by far the Capitalism’s strongest features. THE FACTS: Dodd has acknowledged that he participated in a VIP program at Countrywide, refinancing loans on two homes in 2003. You could deffenatly say conservatives are dumb if you want to. in order for markets to remain free and fair you have to take a few liberties away as cringing as it may sound to libertarians. During the Cannes Film Festival in 2008, Overture Films and Paramount Vantage announced an upcoming project by director Michael Moore, though at the time they were vague about the project's theme. the 1% do give.
!by peggy don, And the Islamic countries aren't? Some countries are also not socialist countries. Reason thunders in its volcano And the fact that I just took the time to explain that to you makes me even dumber than I was two minutes ago. Did you know that huge corporations have begun patenting DNA of natural organisms, plant life, animal life, and even portions of the human genome? I think capitalism can work fine if it's regulated. You are being manipulated into hating a certain group of people, so that those in power can make more money, by armsmanufacture and making large amounts of money disappear in the process. [7], Footage of President Franklin D. Roosevelt detailing his proposed Second Bill of Rights was believed to be lost. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 9, 2010. And it was done in a way that could'nt be labelled '9/11 conspiracist'. It's really not about any system or ideology, but about reason and decency. You lack knowledge. MOORE’S TAKE: Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and other government officials unfairly and hypocritically benefited from financial programs not available to all. Since then other large financial companies have repaid funds, too, including Chrysler Financial and American Express Co. We understand how societies, economics, and principals of human nature work. He does note how some individuals unwisely used their home equity like personal piggybanks, but there isn't much discussion about how some of the people facing foreclosure got to that point. You're still chattel to someone. What?? "A little scary at first, then it gets fun, then you start saying wait a minute is this just a ride or is this real. Capitalism: A Love Story absurdly advocates the “elimination” of the profit system at the same time as it praises one of the parties, and that party’s leading figure, who preside over that system. We (can only speak from a swedish viewpoint, but think it goes for several other european countries aswell) have elections just as americans do, and in no way is it any communist tyrany. Sell?

I'm not sure if that's entirely true, with the exponential growth of technology we could very well be heading to a place where money is obsolete. Has democracy failed? It is in reality your worst nightmare. What would be TRULY beautiful is a system where each and every human being is provided the means to a decent life while they add to the community anything of which they like. Consider these three points in the film, which Moore discussed with The Associated Press in a telephone interview.___MOORE'S TAKE: Wall Street robbed taxpayers.It's pure theater when Moore arrives in an armored bank truck at the headquarters of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Holding a white bag with a big dollar sign on it, he tells a security guard he is there to collect the $10 billion in taxpayers' funds that went to the investment bank. I always found it funny how American friends would fail to understand why we had so many strikes over things they felt were trivial but now the web is full of angry voices saying "start the revolution" but dont know how they are started and more importantly how they are put down. Moore makes the legitimate point that much of the country now resembles the wretched conditions in Flint, Michigan, he documented in Roger & Me. HAHAHAHAHAH, I f***ing live in sweden so I know whats going on there. And to go one step further, it is the power they have over governments that is the root of corruption. MOORE'S RESPONSE: No misrepresentation here, he says: Wal-Mart's termination of the insurance policies is included in a 7-minute-long presentation of facts and quotes on different issues relating to the movie shown in the closing credits.

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