October 22, 2020#

big writing vcop games

), So there you have it! It’s a special start/stop piece of writing, where the students ‘show off’ and celebrate all the skills they have been learning from the English and Inquiry Curriculum that week. International; ... Big Write VCOP games. In the meantime, I had my kids a few years ago write directly onto the window with liquid chalk, but more recently I have had them use post-it notes when they come across a WOW word or phrase and then stick that to the window. Just a bit of housekeeping before we begin! Firstly, a dedicated English block (generally 2 hours) is set aside each week/fortnight/three weeks for the BIG writing session. Once you've done your warm up VCOP session (say 30-45 or so minutes, depending on the kids and their writing ability/knowledge of how BIG writes work), you will do a "BIG Talk" session for 5-10 minutes. At first, marking against this scale is daunting and time consuming, but the more you mark against it, the more familiar you become with it, so the faster you get at marking and the better you get at recognising key elements in your students writing. Here are some other pictures of my VCOP displays over the years (they have changed due to different kids and different writing focuses; not all elements of the connectives for example are needed at the same time). Author: Created by r_mcmanus1294. Here is what the writing samples should be looking like: After they have done this, the students can then go to their student friendly criterion scale and tick (if they achieved it), dot (if they are halfway there) or cross (if no evidence at all) each goal/target on their scale. Next, on the same piece of writing (the pair complete one piece in its entirety before moving onto the second piece) both students read it again, but this time they look for the VCOP elements. I hope the ideas above are useful to you. This is where the kids who wrote down notes the night before as part of their "talk homework" can share their ideas if they want. I found while trawling the internet. Put very simply, VCOP stands for Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation...the four essential elements needed to make any piece of writing interesting, engaging, entertaining and "flow". For any teachers out there who do use the program I challenge you to see which levels of VCOP I am using...be kind!). When they do their follow-up and editing session for the BIG write, they will get their scale out and see if they can tick, dot or cross any of their goals/targets; this is the same way I mark their cold writes. 2.7 3 customer reviews. This is purely oral "homework" where we ask the kids to chat to their families about what they are writing about the next day - oh, that's another thing, you always tell the kids their writing prompt the night before, so they can begin thinking about ideas and planning/writing things down. **You give out talk homework before a BIG (warm) Write, NOT before a Cold Write (assessment)**. The BIG write atmosphere is very different to a normal writing session; classical/calming/soothing music is played and candles, (battery operated candles are the best option here!). Created: Dec 5, 2011 ... writing and maths. When you introduce each VCOP element, it's recommended you spend around 2 lessons per week for 2-3 weeks on each element, which works out to be a whole term just on VCOP. It was alot of fun and I really enjoyed myself.. this, With the start of the 2016 school year getting closer each minute, I thought I'd take the time to write down some advice/tips/words of wisdom for any new graduates starting in their first classroom tomorrow (or for any non-graduates who may need a little pep talk :). These are the categories which are used to stimulate children into more imaginative writing. When the kids return from their activity break, remind them calmly of what they are going to do when they do inside. You will always complete a VCOP session before doing a BIG Write, to warm up their brains and get them in 'writing' mode. I am a huge advocate for the program, and which I was still using it! From the url it appears you wrote it April 2016. Hi MelThanks for your extensive blog on VCOP and The Big Write. Want more information for you or your staff? What I plan on doing, is giving each student their relevant scale before we do a BIG Write and encourage them to try and complete a goal. If your display is smaller, you could just print off the actual Punctuation Pyramid and use that.I also have a poster my lovely classroom helper made me, which is for our "Kung Fu Punctuation People", which can be seen under the Connectives window. Also listen to songs which stimulate your children's imagination like 'There was an old lady who swallowed a Fly....'it wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!' So, once the explicit teaching and exploration of the VCOP elements is out of the way, you can now begin the dedicated writing part of this program! Talk the Big Talk, a precursor to Big Writing, puts emphasis on the importance of talk, particularly in the early years, to enhance the writing process. In that case, I would recommend sending one or two people from each PLT or learning team (I.E. There are a HEAP of fantastic games and resources that you can play to get them into the swing of things and Andrell Education have two CD-ROMs called "Big Write Games" and "VCOP Games" which I use ALL THE TIME!

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