October 22, 2020#

does anyone can help me

However, there is a flip side to every coin. Offering someone help when you are not ready to help is a big no-no. Surely there were other times you felt really low and something happened to make you feel brighter? They don’t understand that I have a family to feed, mortgages to pay, deadlines to meet. Same as, not everything is good. My team found some serious problems with the client’s business model and strategy. In the past, quite a lot of times people would invite me out for coffee just to “pick my brain.” If you have a few million dollars in the bank from VCs, rummaging through my brain for free is not acceptable, especially if you didn’t even bother paying for my tea. Yes, 16 million, so trust me, you are not alone feeling like you do. You don’t have the time to help everyone, only help people who deserve your help. My mother is one of the kindest people in my life. I write it with the benefit of email and feedback from the millions that have visited the website. It will show whether they are serious about having you be present at their conference. I am glad you are reading this, because if you are, it means that at least some part of you believes there is a chance you can be helped. ): If a magic wand could be waved and you had these four things right now, the chances of you srill feeling suicidal would be quite small. I am re-writing this page 4½ years after the site was started. When I offer someone my help, I actually want to help. I don’t know how to water the plants at all. It is normal. If they don’t think my time is worth any value, then I don’t have time for them! At the end of the day, everything can be good or bad. We all want to feel great and happy. We lost an account because we tried to help. It’s like being blind and teaching someone else how to paint. I felt that way too. None of that is, of course, wrong. If you don’t, it has the potential to cost you your time, your money and the relationships you hold dear to yourself (personal or professional). I know because I felt it myself, and I am truly sorry you are in that place. It’s not necessarily the worst idea to help people. You make people miss the opportunities to find better help. But of course, if what we really want is to feel OK, happy, loving and loved, then death is not an option to achieve those. My mother taught me never to give unsolicited advice, nor try to help anyone unless they ask you for it. I have done this so many times, and until today I still regret doing it. You shouldn’t offer advice when people are not prepared to entertain it, or they could one day come back and blame you when it doesn’t work out for them. It would be nice if big emotional problems had simple fixes, but that is rarely the case. We were taught helping people is the right thing to do. Which means something in your life changed to get you where you are now. These are tough sons of bitches to shift, and even if they are shifting, those shifts can be so small it is hard to notice them. People are not born suicidal. I help people, regardless of the fact that they asked for it or not. W. waltern Senior Member. Maybe committing suicide seems easy by comparison. We showed the client our findings, and they fired us on the spot. A few years ago, my parents were out of the country and asked me to look after their house. You need to unlearn this popular belief. ‘Some’ here conveys a feeling of wanting an affirmative reply. I hope you can spare a couple more minutes to read to the end of this page. Yes, it’s harsh, but it makes my life easier and I am happier for it. And here are the 3 cases where I personally stopped helping people and recommend that you should too: It’s not always an easy thing to do. Possibly with permanent health issues. Think before you help. For people that have been struggling with emotional problems for years, perhaps sought and had all types of treatments - from therapy to medications - it is easy to see how they could lose hope that anything will make a difference. To not be able to face the rest of your life. If someone cannot afford my advice, I usually give them another way to compensate for it. People that can help us. Society always emphasizes on the need to help people. A month later when my parents came back, all the plants had died. I wrote "does anyone can help me?" I believe there are common themes of what people need to live (over and above physical health, a subsistence wage, food, heat, light etc. And there is the bad in good. So is it possible to get these four things? We told the client what they didn’t want to hear. But I checked out on Google and saw that some others people made the same mistake so I just want to be sure; Is it a mistake right? But it’s also neither a great one. English - USA Nov 9, 2013 #2 It is a mistake. But that also means that something can change to get you away from where you are now. And there is the bad in good. People will always try to exploit you if you allow them to. And in the end, we made someone hate us for giving our professional opinion. Not everything is bad. Everything takes time to change and most people don’t want it. If you help the wrong people, you can miss the opportunities to help the right people. The chances are, there were times in your life when you did not. I don't think so. It probably means you are past caring about anybody or anything, and don't believe it's possible to change how you feel right now. I do it too. However, I have stopped offering my knowledge for free. But here's the thing - even if you don't think there is a solution to your problems right now, that does not mean it does not exist. Ignore what society is urging you to do. A good chunk of the others will end up in hospital, in pain. And it is essential not to mask the other half of the impact of any such gesture. I realize how difficult it is to run a start-up, I run one myself. I always thought that maybe she was just cold. Your kindness can hurt people too, in some instances. It just means that you can't see it right now. As with all big problems though, the road to overcoming them starts with small steps. Death only becomes attractive once we lose hope that we can ever feel OK again. Like brain damage. Leaving aside for now those that are terminally ill, it is probably fair to say that most people who are considering killing themselves due to emotional problems, or intolerable life circumstances, have not always felt that way. Next time if someone asks you to speak at their conference for free, don’t agree before you negotiate for the best deal. I know what it is like to feel there is no hope left. Start-up founders often ask to pick my brain. If you can't, please at least read Surviving today before you go back to looking at ways to kill yourself. Not only when I was suicidal, but many times since. Not everything is bad. Many people on this site have issues that have origins years or decades ago. “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” ~ Sam Levenson. They don’t realize that in order to make time for coffee, I would have to compensate for that lost time and stay up until 2 in the morning just to work. But you never know when that sort of philosophy could hurt you. For example, it will be better to ask ‘ do you have some tea’ if you really hope ‘you’ can offer you some tea. Have you always felt like you do right now? Random acts of kindness can change a person’s life in many instances. This is the most critical one. Think for a minute. The question is, whether you believe it enough to make some effort on getting them. If I didn’t offer to help, someone who knows how to take care of plants would have done it, and my father’s precious plants would be alive today. They are available to pretty much anyone. But we use 2 instead if we are making a statement like 'I don't think anyone could help me' which means not a person can help you, it doesn't matter who. My team spent a few days analyzing all the data and trends to figure out what the problems were. A former client of mine wasn’t doing well. People take me more seriously. It is probably also fair to say, that for these people, given a choice between feeling great about themselves and life generally, or dying, they would probably choose the former. Less drama, more time for myself. They never let me touch a plant again. We did something out of compassion for our client. 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