October 22, 2020#

is ophiuchus a real zodiac sign

This exciting revelation could potentially change the way you view your personality and may even change your sign. Imhotep from the 27th Century BCE in Ancient Egypt was also known as ‘Aesclepius’ by the Ancient Greeks. He sailed with them on the ship Argus. Is Ophiuchus a real zodiac sign? NASA scientists are trying to send people to Mars, not rewrite your weekly horoscope.). Ophiuchus is real constellation of stars that exists along the same pathway as the zodiac. He was … The signs of the zodiac are a twelve-fold division of the ecliptic, so that each sign spans 30° of celestial longitude, approximately the distance the Sun travels in a month, and (in the Western tradition) are aligned with the seasons so that the March equinox always falls on the boundary between Pisces and Aries. How the hell do you pronounce ‘Ophiuchus’. It changes nothing for us. is simple: “Is Ophiuchus real?” The short answer is… drumroll, please… “Yes” and “No.”. All rights reserved. In a recent article, astrologer Carmen Di Luccio explained that most contemporary astrologers use the Tropical Zodiac. We reveal … If you’re into astrology (or simply mildly interested in checking your weekly horoscope), you’ve probably already seen reports of a 13th sign of the zodiac — called “Ophiuchus” — causing massive upheaval. Ophiuchus was also a real figure in ancient folklore. Ophiuchus is a large, boxy constellation that is traversed by another constellation, Serpens the Serpent, leading Ophiuchus to be known as the “serpent bearer.” You can see Ophiuchus in the summer night sky, though it can be hard to find, despite its size, because the constellation doesn’t contain any particularly bright stars. Some media outlets took that to mean that NASA had changed the astrological calendar and added a new sign. Reps from NASA have said that they had no intention of altering the zodiac because NASA does not practice or participate in astrology. Not in our astrological system! Ophiuchus is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. Furthermore, astrologists don’t seem particularly keen on adding Ophiuchus to the zodiac line up. Ophiuchus was the illegitimate son of Apollo also called as Asclepios or Asclepius. It has therefore been called the "13th sign of the zodiac". Ophiuchus falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius and has just made the astrological field even more interesting! Although Ophiuchus is a real constellation with a real mythological history, it’s not the 13th sign of the zodiac — unless you want it to be. roughly line up along the ecliptic, the trail that the sun appears to travel over the Earth. The biggest question on everyone’s mind (after “How the hell do you pronounce ‘Ophiuchus’?) Later he was the surgeon of the Argonauts. However, this confuses sign with constellation. Ophiuchus: Real Details On The 13th Zodiac Sign Your life and whole existence might be about to change thanks to the discovery of the 13th zodiac sign; known as Ophiuchus. If you’re a Scorpio or Sagittarian who’s never felt comfortable with those signs, and the snake bearer is singing your tune, embrace it! It’s not, but more on that later). This zodiac begins at 0 degrees Aries and ends at 360 degrees where … Though it finds its origins in the calendar of the ancient Babylonians, who roughly correlated signs with constellations, the Tropical Zodiac is now tied to seasons, not stars. (Modern medicine still uses the image of Asclepius’s staff wrapped in a snake as a symbol of healing.). All of that said, if you love Ophiuchus, nothing’s stopping you from adopting your new favorite sign. Ophiuchus is real constellation of stars that exists along the same pathway as the zodiac. The post points out that the astrological calendar created by the Babylonians no longer fits with the way the stars are aligned with Earth today, and mentions that there was a 13th constellation (Ophiuchus) that the Babylonians chose not to include in their calendar. So the existence of Ophiuchus as a constellation doesn’t affect Earth-bound astrological charts. The constellations that align with the signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Cancer, etc.) In Greek mythology, the constellation is associated with Asclepius, the god of medicine, who learned special knowledge about healing from a snake. Unlike the other 12 signs, Ophiuchus, the 13th sign of the zodiac, is associated with a real person called Imhotep.

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