October 22, 2020#

levels of american football

The profiling of professional football players. Divi­ sion II players were also found to have statistically greater bench press strength values than division III playersJ 31 I, With respect to relative strength, which is the ratio between an athlete’s absolute strength and his bodyweight, division II backs exhibited higher val­ ues that those of the linemen.13°1 Similar differ­ ences in relative strength in division I-AA were also observed by Barker et aL,(321 who found that offensive backs and linebackers displayed higher values than offensive linemen. In the past, these 2 aspects of training have been somewhat neglected. . New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., 1985, Hultman E, Sjohol rn Substrate availability. please upgrade or switch to Chrome, Safari, IE 11 or newer (preferably Edge), Natl Strength Conditioning J Jan  1983; 33-5, White J, Mayhew JL, Piper FC. Adaptive response of mam­ malian skeletal muscle to exercise with high loads. Champaign (IL): Human  Kinetics Publishers, 1994, Yessis M. Strength and power training program for football line­ men. Sub­ sequent sections of this review will attempt to associate findings regarding size, body composition, strength, speed and endurance with performance requirements of different positions. Endurance can be generally defined as the capacity to perform a type of activity which involves many muscle groups and systems for a   prolonged period  of  time.1 17 1  The most  common  method of measuring cardiorespiratory function  in  athletes is an incremental treadmill test that measures the rate of oxygen consumption (v’02) This measure can be defined as the functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver blood to the working   muscles   during   maximal   and   supramaximal (> 100% v’02max) work while maintaining mean arterial blood  pressure.191 It appears that football players generally do not have a well developed cardiovascular system as compared  to  athletes  in  other  sports.17,81   In fact, with specific reference to v’02max, university and professional football players demonstrate similar values to those of age-matched controls.12,1 8,281 Since football is an anaerobic-type sport, the role  of cardiovascular development has not been emphasised in training programmes for these players. The examination of speed and the role of cardiovascu­ lar endurance may help to delineate this observed trend in grouping football players. 1 9. Size and Body Composition . . As  a result,  strength  development  may  not have been emphasised for these players. Most players have not played on an organized team before or have only played for a couple of seasons. . Although it seems evident that a greater magni­ tude of strength is required to play the position of offensive or defensive lineman, the literature ap­ pears to support the notion that higher levels of body fat represent a factor limiting performance as shown by the lack of positional differences in rel­ ative strength. (7.431 These facts clearly demonstrate that playing football, especially at the line position, is dependent upon power which is related to maxi­ mum strength. Acta Physiol (Hung)  1990; 75: 205-16, Kanda K, Hashizume K. Factors causing difference in force output among motor units in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle. GO Mammoth levels of play explained. J  Appl  Sport  Sci Res  1991; 5:  1 63, Takahashi H, lnaki M, Fujimoto K, et al. . How­ ever, when designing such a programme based on these findings, 2 factors that should receive more consideration are body composition and cardiovascular fitness. Guidelines can be downloaded directly from NFHS or by using the link above. Mayhew JL, Piper FC, Schwegler TM, et al. Cham­ paign (IL): Human Kinetics Publishers, 1995: 1 -40, Brooks GA, Fahey TD. CITATION: Lisman P, Nadelen M, Hildebrand E et al. and/or Firefox. Based on measurements of size, body composition, strength, speed and endurance, 3 distinct groups of football players may be established: (i) offensive and defensive linemen; (ii) defensive backs, offensive backs and wide receivers; and (iii) line­ backers and tight-ends.

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