October 22, 2020#

only eating blueberries

Thinking about eating for your health sometimes conjures visions of green juices, flavorless dinners, and supplements that you can't pronounce. Researchers found that people showed significantly fewer errors in tests used to assess verbal memory and task switching compared to those who took a placebo. Because blueberries are high in antioxidants, they can neutralize some of the free radicals that damage your DNA. Those beautiful blue antioxidants may be the ticket to keeping your mind sharp and healthy. In an eight-week study, obese people who had had a high risk of heart disease noted a 4–6% reduction in blood pressure after consuming 2 ounces (50 grams) of blueberries per day (18). As a result, the cell's ability to take in sugar (glucose) is impaired and blood glucose levels become abnormally high. Generally speaking, there are not many allergenic factors associated with blueberries and blueberries are well tolerated by most individuals. Blueberries have rarely been studied for their impact on UTIs, but they likely have similar effects as cranberries (32). Side effects of eating too many blueberries. They appear to benefit aging neurons, leading to improvements in cell signaling. These findings agree with smaller studies that use either fresh or powdered blueberries (13, 14). Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to aging and diseases, such as cancer (2, 3). In addition to this, the Vitamin K present in blueberries dissolves the blood clot. Blueberries provide moderate amounts of sugar compared to other fruits. Research suggests that anthocyanins in blueberries have beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Diet also plays a key role (which is why there are foods linked to increased risk of heart disease), and data now reveals blueberry's potential role in the prevention of this disease. Because you shouldn't go hungry trying to slim down. The information contained in the post is for general purpose only and shouldn’t be considered as medical advice or as an alternative to medical advice. Moderate consumption of blueberries is beneficial for the people suffering from diabetes as it releases sugar slowly into the bloodstream and doesn’t cause a sudden increase in the blood sugar level. In fact, oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol is a crucial step in the heart disease process. http://herbs.ygoy.com/2012/11/07/what-are-the-side-effects-of-blueberry/, http://www.livestrong.com/article/505655-the-side-effects-of-blueberries/. This means that most of the individuals can consume it without worrying about allergic reactions. Often labeled a superfood, they are low in calories and incredibly good for you. Oxidative DNA damage is an unavoidable part of everyday life. While eating blueberries may lower blood pressure and oxidized LDL cholesterol, it’s important to keep in mind that these are risk factors — not actual diseases. Other studies have observed similar effects — especially for postmenopausal women (19, 20). If cardiovascular disease isn't on your radar, it should be. © 2020 Galvanized Media. Oxidative damage is not limited to your cells and DNA. and the presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for our health. Thank the berry's antioxidant content that may play a role in possibly reducing a decline in brain function. Berries are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on earth. A study published in Current Developments in Nutrition found that the equivalent of one cup of fresh blueberries daily may beneficially affect areas of health in subjects with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. More studies are needed before any claims can be made. Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of blueberries. These substances are called anti-adhesives and help prevent bacteria like E. coli from binding to the wall of your bladder. In one of these studies, nine older adults with mild cognitive impairment consumed blueberry juice every day. High dosage of Vitamin K may give rise to symptoms like difficulty in swallowing, irregular breathing, fainting, shortness of breath, skin rashes, increased risk of internal bleeding and bruising, etc (source). P.S- Consider sharing this post, if you find it useful and/or interesting. In one study, 168 people drank 34 ounces (1 liter) of a mixed blueberry and apple juice daily. If you are suffering from diabetes then it is advisable to not to use blueberries leaves as a supplement to diabetics medicine. In general, blueberries are a safe fruit to be consumed during pregnancy but for a safe side, it is advisable to consult your doctor about the same and eat blueberries only as per the recommendation of the doctor. A study in 93,600 nurses found that those with the highest intake of anthocyanins — the main antioxidants in blueberries — were at a 32% lower risk of heart attacks compared to those with the lowest intake (22). Oxidative stress can accelerate your brain’s aging process, negatively affecting brain function. One serving (a handful or a cup) of blueberries contains only 80 calories and contributes essential nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients called polyphenols. This is because although blueberries are a good source of a number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, flavonoids, carotenoids, etc. Many people try and limit their sugar intake when they are managing their insulin response. In the study, when participants ate one cup of blueberries daily, they experienced significantly lower levels of serum triglycerides compared to placebo. However, those who are allergic to stone fruits ( like peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, nectarines, etc) may be sensitive to blueberries too. Blueberries are small — around 0.2–0.6 inches (5–16 millimeters) in diameter — and feature a flared crown at the end. It is interesting to note that pain and discomfort associated with salicylates ingestion can be eased to some extent by eating blueberries in a small amount. Here are the 12 best foods to eat in the morning. Blueberries are among the most nutrient-dense berries. Wouldn't it be great if eating well is as simple as adding a cup of blueberries to your daily routine? (source). Blueberries appear to have significant benefits for people with high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. You already knew blueberries were healthy, but did you know they had these powerful health benefits? They’re so tasty and convenient that many people consider them their favorite fruit. This article lists 13 foods that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. As you read further, you’ll be learning more about blueberries and the side-effects of overdosing on then or overeating them. Excess of dietary fiber can cause stomach discomfort, gastrointestinal problems like bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, etc. In another study, researchers found that older adults with cognitive impairment had increased brain activity in certain parts of the brain while on a blueberry supplemented diet. Because this was an observational study, it cannot prove that the anthocyanins alone caused the reduction in risk. The 13 Most Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat, 29 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight, Blackberries: Health Benefits and Nutrition Information, 11 Reasons Why Berries Are Among the Healthiest Foods on Earth, 5 Impressive Health Benefits of Acai Berries. and the presence of these compounds make blueberries very beneficial for pregnant women. Blueberries are a good source of Vitamin K and eating one cup of blueberries provide around 29 micrograms of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is a vital nutrients that plays an important role in keeping us healthy and performs a number of functions in our body, like regulates blood clotting,  improving bone density and making our bones stronger, reducing risk of cancer, providing cardiovascular benefits etc (source). So those who are allergic to salicylates should avoid consuming blueberries or blueberries juice. and presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for our health as well as for our skin and hair. It is also problematic when your “bad” LDL cholesterol is oxidized. Blueberries are considered a superfood, and can help maintain healthy bones, reduce blood pressure, manage diabetes, and ward off heart disease. However, the bioactive compounds in blueberries appear to outweigh any negative impact of the sugar when it comes to blood sugar control. Eating breakfast can be either good or bad, depending on what foods you eat. Blueberries(Cyanococcus)  are delicious blue colored berries that grow on the shrub of the same name and belongs to genus Vaccinium. One studies evaluated the effects of blueberry intake on human brain function by having participants follow a diet supplemented with blueberries daily for 90 days. Improved insulin sensitivity should lower the risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, which are currently two of the world’s biggest health problems. These delicious berries are native to South America but are now grown in many parts of the world. Follow the lead of top nutrition experts with this roundup of the 6 foods doctors swear by. Cyanococcus) is a flowering shrub that produces berries with a bluish, purple hue — also known as blueberries. Calorie for calorie, this makes them an excellent source of several important nutrients. This is because consuming blueberries leaves can decrease our blood sugar level to a dangerously low level which can give rise to hypoglycemia which can be  identified by the common symptoms like blurred vision,sudden mood change, sudden nervousness,pale skin, headache, hunger, sweating,shaking,trouble thinking or concentrating, loss of consciousness, etc. While limiting refined sugar is a good idea if you are managing your blood sugars, cutting out fruit like blueberries may cause more harm than good in the long run. Although Vitamin K provides a lot of benefits there are some side effects associated with the intake of high dosage of Vitamin K and for this reason, it is advisable to eat blueberries in moderation. Suggested Read-  23 Major Health & Beauty Benefits Of Blueberries. Here are 11 ways that eating berries can improve your health. These are the three biggest health benefits you can reap when you eat a cup of blueberries every day. Mayo is a popular condiment for sandwiches and often used as a base for salad dressings and sauces. Getty Images Any food can make you put on pounds if you eat it in excess, but when it comes to blueberries, that’s not all that easy to do. Acai berries are a popular Brazilian "superfruit" that's claimed to have many health benefits. Blueberries contain a high amount of salicylates, which is an active ingredient used in the formation of aspirin ( a synthesized medicine used for providing relief from pain, fever, inflammation, etc.). It is said to occur tens of thousands of times per day in every cell in your body (10). Blueberries have been shown to directly increase antioxidant levels in your body (8, 9). Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits and vegetables (4, 5, 6). All Rights Reserved. Save 1. We strive to only recommend products that adhere to our philosophy of eating better while still enjoying what you eat. We've consulted with our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians to bring you informed recommendations for food products, health aids and nutritional goods to safely and successfully guide you toward making better diet and nutrition choices. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. In another study, people were told to drink smoothies either with or without blueberries twice daily for six weeks. Suggested Read-  5 Major Side Effects of Eating Too Many Chokeberries. Blueberries are also not suitable for the individuals who on anticoagulant medicines as the Vitamin K present in blueberries may interfere with the function of anticoagulant medicine and increase the risk of bleeding.

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