October 22, 2020#

rush limbaugh metal

But campaigning in uniform is a flat-out crime that calls for court [...]. The idea was that the children had measles and Washington took no precautions before allowing them to stay. I was doxed, my entire extended family was doxed, and I was harassed for two years after that. Republicans on the House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees — 47 in total — participated in hearings organized as part of the impeachment inquiry. Says Joe Biden calls Donald Trump’s supporters the dregs of society. Any comments that are sexist or in any other way deemed hateful by our staff will be deleted and constitute grounds for a ban from posting on the site. Limbaugh's decision to publicize the personal information of volunteers who encourage his sponsors to drop his show highlights his fears over bleeding sponsors, stations dropping him. Limbaugh was one of several voices linking illegal immigration to measles in 2015. ", "11 straight years of no major hurricanes striking land" in the United States "bores a hole right through the whole climate change argument. John King was not having any part of Trump's absurd claims, or Rush Limbaugh's slings and arrows at Hillary. "The Shelby v. Holder decision that got rid of the Voting Rights Act was the worst decision of the Supreme Court since Dred Scott. A photo shows a massive crowd at a recent Florida rally for Donald Trump. ", Hostages were released as soon as Ronald Reagan took office because Iran perceived that America was "no longer under the command of someone weak. 20036, Florida This is Pants on Fire. . Says he “fully funded Missouri K-12 education for the first time in state history.”, Says the “The Rio Grande Valley is 4.7% of the entire state population, but it represents 17% of the (coronavirus) deaths of our state.". You now use your email to login. “Jaime Harrison is being left off of South Carolina ballots”, "We're No. Limbaugh was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and told his listeners he would have to miss days on his radio show to receive treatment. New NASA chief Charles Bolden said in 2010 that Obama had made improving relations with the Middle East a priority and that Obama had told Bolden "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering." Washington admired religion in general, saying in his 1796 farewell address that of all the habits that lead to political prosperity, "Religion and Morality are indispensable supports." ", National Republican Congressional Committee. We welcome relevant, respectful comments. 46 out of 50 states... we're 46th in terms of percentage of deaths in nursing homes.". The White House website says the award is for people "who have made exceptional contributions to the security or national interests of America, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.". Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh (AP Photo/Salon) President Trump criticized for awarding "sacred" Medal of Freedom to "virulent racist" Rush Limbaugh … Says Kanye West got 40,000 votes in the presidential election in Kentucky. This is Pants on Fire. Please consider a one time or recurring donation of whatever amount you can spare, or consider subscribing for an ad-free experience. ", President Barack Obama "wants to mandate circumcision. If you don't mind the ads and would rather donate, please select one of the options below: NOTE: We will be changing to a new commenting platform in the next couple of weeks. So when he acted surprised that he was receiving the Medal of Freedom during the Great SOTU 2020 Giveaway, it was just another thing that has been forever defiled, rendered meaningless and without value, like everything Donald Trump touches. Trump is his greatest creation, the monster that Limbaugh dreamed about all his life as he was raking in the millions for fcking up the entire country with his propaganda. Ha! ", Says House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump "doesn’t feature the opposition party, it doesn’t feature cross-examination. The rightwing talkshow host began his radio program 31 years ago and had recently signed a new long-term contract. Says that the Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded in response to 9/11. Donald Trump on Tuesday awarded the controversial conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom in the middle of his State of the Union speech, a day after the “shock jock” announced he has advanced lung cancer. It will be greatly appreciated and help us continue our mission of exposing the real FAKE NEWS! Now it's "Presidential." There is no one who has been more divisive than Rush Limbaugh. He taught Donald Trump how to name-call back in the days where such behavior was considered juvenile and offensive. For the past 30 years, Limbaugh has been the de facto leader of the Republican party, normalizing racism and hate while raising up others to do the work he's just begun. First Lady Melania Trump gave the award to Limbaugh in the gallery of the U.S. Capitol. Limbaugh, 69, added that although his intention is to continue working “as competently and as expertly as [he does] each and every day”, he will begin undergoing treatment immediately, taking him off-air for the next couple of days. Since ActBlue is helping bury Lindsey Graham with fundraising from small donors, he's now out to get them. ", "You can't read a speech by George Washington . ", This is False, but it’s an exaggeration of a real incident. There are too many examples to cite. The monster Trump created is his instrument of destruction, but in the end none of it matters, because Suite 1300B Every day of his shitty little life, Rush Limbaugh raises his middle finger to the institutions of this country, spits on it, and grinds it in our eye. Also, storm frequency does not strictly correlate with rising temperature. Director Rob Reiner took to Twitter shortly after President Trump’s State of the Union address to voice his disdain for conservative pundit and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh. In the segment, Limbaugh said doctors discovered the issue after he complained of shortness of breath. Please refer to our Terms of Service (revised 3/17/2016) for information on our posting policy. Limbaugh in 2009 cited a Fox News story about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studying circumcision as a way to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, because studies showed the procedure reduced the transmission of the disease from women to men. ", Says the Obama administration "planned the influx of illegal alien children at the border. Some models project out into the future because it shows trends. We can't fight back misinformation about the election and COVID-19 without you. without hearing him reference God, the Almighty. Says Debbie Mucarsel-Powell's family received $700,000 from the firm of "violent warlord Ihor Kolomoisky," who is compared to Fidel Castro and Nicolás Maduro. Says President Barack Obama is "absolutely" a Muslim. Earth is the hottest it has ever been, and the impact is observable. Says Joe Biden’s “capital gains tax means that when you sell your home you’ll owe taxes of 40% of your profit!”. District of Columbia . This is False. This is False. In 2010, an Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force was studying regional water policy. Fox regular Mike Huckabee tells Brian Kilmeade that he agrees it's a mistake for Trump to lead his campaign message on Hunter Biden, because "he average person doesn’t understand it.". the largest tax increase in the history of the world. Says Rick Scott changed his promise from 700,000 jobs created "on top of what normal growth would be" to just 700,000 jobs. No one. Limbaugh is widely considered one of the most high-profile conservative media personalities in the country. Daily examples. Three years later,  a measles outbreak in the United States was largely attributed by the CDC to a lack of vaccination in the Orthodox Jewish community. Even now, as lung cancer eats away at him, he's busy chipping away at Fox News, because nothing says he's got religion like tearing down the institution he helped build for one even more evil, more dishonest and more destructive. ", The children coming across the southern U.S. border "were never examined after they got here and quarantined if they had a disease. Finally, many other data points prove that climate change is real. Limbaugh's tutelage, right down to the media applauding the "reality show" aspects. The award is the highest civilian honor bestowed by a US president. No expert we reached gave any credence to the idea that the administration planned it. This is Pants on Fire. Afterward, CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell said: “This was a speech unlike any other I have witnessed from President Donald Trump—the reality TV president took on the state of the union, a master showman at his best.”'. **Does not apply to Disqus, YouTube or any other embedded service ads. We understand some users are having problems with comments loading and this will hopefully remedy that problem. Limbaugh revealed on Monday that he had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, making the announcement during his nationally syndicated radio show. He'll know what I'm talking about, since he, his acolytes and his fixer friends tried hard to destroy my life back in 2012 after I joined some other activists in an effort to Flush Rush from the airwaves after he called Sandra Fluke a slut. Here’s a look back at our 10 most significant fact-checks of the radio host. St. Petersburg, FL But the federal government did examine the children; the protocol, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, was to provide "vaccinations to all children who do not have documentation of previous valid doses of vaccine." This is Pants on Fire. No one was too small, too insignificant for that jerk and his goons to step on like a bug. The recommendations have been under discussion since 2007, when George W. Bush was president, and Obama had never spoken on the issue. 33701 It had no references to God, direct or indirect. 1100 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington, DC . It wouldn’t stop. Those members asked questions and actively critiqued the House Democrats’ actions. PolitiFact has been fact-checking Limbaugh since 2009. Don't cry tears for this guy as he prepares to leave the earth. The monster Trump created is his instrument of destruction, but in the end none of it matters, because Rush Limbaugh will waste away and die, leaving a legacy of hatred and division for those mentored to carry on. John Stoehr writes: "After watching last night two hours of Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, the word “gothic” keep ringing in my ears. This moment after the farce called the State of the Union address comes courtesy of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. ", Says the word "Dhimmitude" is on page 107 of the health care law and means "Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance. He said he was aiming to be back by Thursday, calling the program “the source of [his] greatest satisfaction”. The Affordable Care Act did include limited tax increases, but they were much smaller than tax increases signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1982 and President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. Rush Limbaugh receives the presidential medal of freedom from the first lady, Melania Trump, during the State of the Union address. "Obama has proposed 442 tax hikes since taking office. This is False. Obamacare is not the largest tax increase in American history and therefore cannot be the largest in the history of the world. His huge and passionate conservative listenership has given him immense political clout, especially with Republican politicians. Please note our login process has changed. The newest Medal of Freedom winner is very concerned about Pete Buttigieg kissing his husband on stage. Now, he's flatly ignoring regulations he doesn't like. He has used his platform to campaign on a variety of conservative issues and to attack liberals, often causing controversy with his extreme rightwing views and comments on abortion, feminism and race. And here's the thing: I was a nobody who dared to stand up to an autocratic assh0le. We work 7 days a week, 16 hours a day for our labor of love, but with rising hosting and associated costs, we need your help!

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