October 22, 2020#

scum of the earth bible

Paul’s scathing rebuke probably humbled many of the Corinthians who heard it, and it should humble us today. And I thought, “I don’t have that kind of humility.” I could not take it, if people were so rude. Just a short one - a 10-minute Bible study, so that we close the day meditating on His Word. And fleshly people do not want to be scum; they want to be popular. These two words are very interesting in the Greek, but I will not have time to expound these in the short time we have available. But when asked whether he could speak English, he merely said, “A little.”. I’ll be glad to do that. Paul wanted to follow in the steps of Jesus. One of the things that nearly brought me to tears about his humility was when once we did some outreach work in London in what was called Malaysia Hall, where students from Malaysia lived. He says “we”, i.e., he and all his co-workers, whoever they were, are the scum of the earth. Does He want us to learn how to heal people? Berean Literal Bible being slandered, we entreat. So he goes on to v16 and says, “I exhort you to imitate. He continued with his polite, gracious manner, even when just brushed aside. 1:11-KJV] And He said, “You want to be My disciples; the same thing will happen to you.” You, too, will be despised and rejected of men. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world—right up to this moment. That is how the natural man works. “...you have already become rich” - they are in a position of power since riches is power. I found myself thrown out of the kitchen, and eventually, having lost the contest so many times, I more or less surrendered. And people said, “Hey! You remember in the message yesterday, our dear Bro. You were just doing your job.” And he drove away. “Learn of Me - I am humble of heart.” And what happens? But then he wanted to assure them that he did not have the intention of shaming them, but just bringing them to the realization that the Christian life is not lived from the position of power. Being defamed - Βλασφημουμενοι, Being blasphemed. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, NT Letters: 1 Corinthians 4:13 Being defamed we entreat (1 Cor. All of them are (useless) bronze, tin, iron, and lead in the furnace; they are the dross of silver. And so this poor man, this officer, was afraid he was going to lose his job. In this passage, Paul responds to such attitudes and opinions with biting sarcasm. When he entered the College, his report card had only A’s on it. What you do is you scrape the thing off, and you throw it in the garbage. No! But you yourself - what is your problem? That is the common thinking. In Weakness We Experience the Reality Following Him. 19:16–30 • Mark 8:31–38 • Phil. Decoration; by implication, the world (morally). The Bible study was supposed to be for 10 minutes, but it went on to half-an-hour, and then it went on to one hour. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. You have reduced us to scum and garbage among the nations. Paul sarcastically remarks, “How I wish that you really had become kings so that we might be kings with you!” This comment exposes the stark contrasts of the life of the apostle to the lives of those in Corinth. [v3-RSV] Now you see the connection. And so, I did not venture to compete with him in that field. Here, Paul, with biting sarcasm, addresses this problem in this very chapter - Chapter 1. We are a savor of life to one, a savor or flavor of death to another - life to one; death to another. He was treated like rubbish, by many of these students. It is a joy to be with you together this morning to worship the Lord, to ponder His Word. He could have done all sorts of things, but he was humble. They thought themselves to be wise and highly-esteemed, so much so that they ridiculed Paul himself as being a foolish preacher. 6:14], Then he says with this biting sarcasm in v8 to the Corinthians, “You are... filled” Oh, you are so satisfied with yourself. To the Superior of the holy body of clerics and servants of God who are in the place which is called Horricourt, and to their disciples: the little flock of the brothers of Clairvaux, and their very humble servant, Brother Bernard, wish health, and …Saint Bernard of Clairvaux—Some Letters of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, Riches are not forever; and doth the crown endure to every generation?--PROV. Paul says, “Let this mind” - this mind of Jesus - “be in you”. Why should I?” Frankly I do not even have hood and gown because on the day of graduation, I rented one. I must, if I am His disciple, if He is rejected, I also must be rejected. It is because you have cut your connection to the world. While this is not a normal form of discourse, it is sometimes used in Scripture to get across a very important point, usually to dull-hearing, hard-hearted people who were so puffed up with their own importance that they fail to hear the message of God.

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