October 22, 2020#

take place in a sentence

Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The point of this leading shoot is subsequently pinched off, that it may not draw away too much of the sap. amalgamation of the two schools was proposed to take place in September 2005. A general election must take place every five years, and all polls must be taken on the same day. The effects of the ingestion of large quantities may be so rapid that death may take place in a couple of hours, owing to collapse, consequent on perforation of the walls of the oesophagus or stomach, or from asphyxia due to swelling of the glottis consequent on some of the acid having entered the larynx. civil partnerships may take place at Salford Register Office or at one of our Approved Venues. The chief ceremonies take place in some large open spot round which are erected the tents of the khedive, of great state officials, and of the dervishes. If we admit that the larva has, in the phylogeny of insects, gradually diverged from the imago, and if we recollect that in the ontogeny the larva has always to become the imago (and of course still does so) notwithstanding the increased difficulty of the transformation, we cannot but recognize that a period of helplessness in which the transformation may take place is to be expected. After Egypt has been afflicted for nine years with famine, Phrasius, a seer of Cyprus, arrived in Egypt and announced that the cessation of the famine would not take place until a foreigner was yearly sacrificed to Zeus or Jupiter. - By the Burial Laws Amendment Act 1880 burial may take place in a churchyard without the rites of the Church of England. Our aim is to understand how these reactions take place and how they control the speeds of mineral dissolution and precipitation. Recent investigation has proved that, while the marriage with Kerkering, or rather Kerckkrink, is a fact, it did not take place till 1671, in which year the bride, as appears by the register, was twenty-seven years of age. While, from the 5th century onwards a certain unification in the ecclesiastical law began to take place 1 For the further history of the law of the Greek Church and that of the Eastern Churches, see Vering, Kirchenrecht, §§ 14-183 (ed. However marriages solemnized by a religious celebrant may take place at any location. Finding, however, that it was advisable to cement the ties between the empire and the papacy, John gave unhesitating support to Lambert in preference to Arnulf, and also induced the council to determine that henceforth the consecration of the popes should take place only in the presence of the imperial legates. The movement for any particular combination of armatures can only take place once per revolution of the type-wheel and at one particular place. Your marriage must then take place within twelve months of the date you gave notice. It is not ~certain how far substances in the protoplasm are directly oxidized without entering into the composition of the living substance, though this appears to take place. When he went to Frankfort he was still under the influence of the extreme Prussian Conservatives, men like the Gerlachs, who regarded the maintenance of the principle of the form of bitter personal hostility; in 1863 the ministers refused any longer to attend the sittings, and Bismarck challenged Virchow, one of his strongest opponents, to a duel, which, however, did not take place. In view of the fact that antitoxin has a direct action on toxin, we may say that theoretically this may take place in one of two ways. Various experimenters, especially Fenn, have asserted that by engrafting an eye of one variety into the tuber of another, not only will adhesion take place but the new tubers will present great variety of character; this seems to be the case, but it can hardly be considered as established that the variations in question were the result of any commingling of the essences of the two varieties. ballast hopper wagons from Romania allowed additional relaying to take place this year. Friday morning had a yellow cast about it as if something omi­nous was about to take place. In the Uniate Greek Catholic Church the "ambo" has become a table, on which are placed a crucifix and lights, before the doors of the iconostasis; here baptisms, marriages and confirmations take place. Divorces take place chiefly among the lower orders,who frequently treat marriage merely as a test of a couples suitability to be helpmates in the struggles of life. This action is found to take place only in the presence of light, preferably moderate sunlight. bric-a-brac markets also take place on the 4th Sunday of each month from May to October. The Workshops take place in a large Mongolian Yurt this provides ample working space for six people. The object of the latter is to convert the manganous hydroxide by the atmospheric oxygen into manganese dioxide, but this would take place much too slowly if there was not an excess of lime present ready to combine with the manganese dioxide to form a calcium manganite. He was forced to abandon all attempts at reconquest, but proposed to decide the question by single combat between himself and Peter, to take place at Bordeaux under English protection. A considerable degree of denitrification must, therefore, take place in the ocean, for the concentration of combined nitrogen is always excessively small. If the chemical changes which occur in the cell were allowed to take place in a closed vessel without the performance of electrical or other work, the change in energy would be measured by the heat evolved. They were also retained for 1894 at the request of the government, which desired to keep faith with their promise that while the new organization of the army was going on no increase of duties on the necessaries of life should take place. (From Korschelt and Heider.) The views of life held by the ordinary mortal as well as his aims and motives must be radically altered; and simultaneously a change must take place in his modes of speech, conduct and thought. (iv) There is a certain tendency to name 4, 9, 14 and 19 as being one short of 5, 10, 15 and 20 respectively; the principle being thus the same as that of the Roman IV, IX, &c. It is possible that at an early stage the number of the fingers on one hand or on the two hands together was only thought of vaguely as a large number in comparison with 2 or 3, and that the number did not attain definiteness until it was linked up with the smaller by insertion of the intermediate ones; and the linking up might take place in both directions. banquet scene will take place in a separate area - a gated long room at the rear of the brewery. Although very heavy falls of snow take place in the alpine tracts - especially about Lake Baikal - on the other side, in the steppe regions of the Altai and Transbaikalia and in the neighbourhood of Krasnoyarsk, the amount of snow is so small that travellers use wheeled vehicles, and cattle are able to find food in the steppe. From whatever cause the resisting power of the tissue elements is thus weakened, the invasion of other tissue elements is then allowed to take place. Thus the slow motion would take place I the observer. It may also take place where rapid proliferation of the cell is going on, as in the budding of the Yeast plant. The entry of gases into, and exit from, the cells, as well as the actual exhalation of watery vapour from the latter, take place in the intercellular space system of which the stomata are the outlets. All programs feature john James audubon events take place. Little is known beyond the bare fact that such movement does take place. Take place in a sentence 1. On the contrary, it is only by virtue of the irrational and anarchic nature of the profit system that such a development could take place. folklore festivals that take place in all of Italy's regions throughout the year. In subsequent years numerous experiments were carried out by him in various parts of Great Britain, in some cases with circuits earthed at both ends, and in other cases with completely insulated circuits, which showed that conductive effects could be detected at distances of many miles, and also that inductive effects could take place even between circuits separated by solid earth and by considerable distances. Reduction Divisions (Meiosis).The divisions which take place leading to the formation of the sexual cells show a reduction in the number of chromosomes to one-half. berate the referee for not allowing the kick to take place on the exact infringement spot. In some instances the result has been an additional and unnecessary expenditure of high-pressure steam, and in all the weld-known fact - of the highest importance in this connexion - appears to have been disregarded, that the shorter the time the juice is exposed to heat the less inversion will take place in it, and therefore the less will be the loss of sugar. optional extras in terms of activities arranged by the school to take place wholly outside school hours. At the beginning of the Christian era, and for many previous centuries, no eruption had been known to take place from the mountain, and the volcanic nature of the locality was perhaps not even suspected by the inhabitants who planted their vineyards along its fertile slopes, and built their numerous villages and towns around its base. When conducting reconnaissance forward of ground troops, coordination must take place to prevent fratricide. Following the success last year, it will take place again in the tiny mountain village of Peyresq, in the Alps. Eight staff versus students met for match is expected to take place within the next few weeks, along with other tsunami fundraisers. phenomena would not take place unless the density varied rapidly near the surface.

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