October 22, 2020#

the last thing he wanted book summary

The best thing about this book is the spare writing style. It also evokes the intelligence-ish dealing game well. CGU | Deux étoiles pour le jeu d'acteurs et les décors ! I just wish I were a BIT more confident in what the final chapters reveal, but I think it remaining cryptic is one of the strengths of the book. The worst part about this book is the back and forth narrative and the narrator herself. She's best known for her novels and her literary journalism. Here we have another Durasian novella from Joan—I simply can’t imagine how much Didion would detest Duras if she actually read her! How there are no easily identifiable good or bad characters. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published The wait was long (especially if one had already read most of the non-fiction pieces collected in 1992's "After Henry") and this novel, like "A Book of Common Prayer" and "Democracy," is spare while somehow coming across as strangely heavy. The book is a thriller but the only suspense is of the "something bad happened but we're not going to tell you what it is until the end" sort. It discombobulated me a bit more than I could quite keep up with though. 2.5/5. "The Last Thing He Wanted" est un thriller politique adapté du roman éponyme de Joan Didion. At first, I really liked how she would select certain phrases uttered by various characters and repeat them to give them greater impact. The back and forth narrative is so confusing. Really? Love comes in the form of a double-cross. Unsentimental and terse, she leans against the traditional architecture of the thriller and then slowly chips away at the foundation, inventing something the likes of which I have never read before. Le tout est en sous rythme constant malgré de bons acteurs, pour le coup on est plus proche du téléfilm que d'un vrai moment de cinéma. 21 février !Mudbound était une vraie réussite, donc bien intéressé par ce nouveau film de Dee Rees ! Prise par les sentiments, une journaliste expérimentée de Washington accepte une mission pour son père, mais perd le contrôle de son propre reportage en passant du statut de témoin à celui de protagoniste. On first reading, I went too fast, letting myself get pulled along by the rhythmic riptide of the prose. When reading a book of conspiracy and intrigue, I do expect things to be unclear, but here the narrator is unidentified; we never know how she came by the information she is imparting. The arms dealing is fairly easy to grasp if you are aware of the history the book is based on, but the weirdness of the main character hav. veer sharply from the book, since it is both ambiguous and never quite clear about exactly what happens (also, there is no corresponding character to whoever Rosie Perez plays). That it ends up a 220 plus page novel, with a narrative that circles and circles the central event without ever really touching it and yet still manages to remain intriguing and fresh and compellingly page turning is an example of Didion's genius. It's as if she doesn't really care about the story, even though she's spent 10 years researching it, and in the end, the reader doesn't really care either. On a second read, crucial background details became more apparent and the love story that's slipped almost imperceptibly into the crux of the narrative made complete sense. In the end, I would only recommend this book to Joan Didion fans, or those interested in trying out an off-the-beaten path type of writing style. The writing is good but the subject is a Little dated by now, in an historical sense, and eternal in another historical sense. Adapted from Joan Didion's namesake novel. by Vintage. This book was very slow, did not capture my attention at all as my mind kept wandering. But after awhile, it got, well repetitious. I was shocked to learn it was by Joan Didion. This certainly has Didion's sharp prose. Who is this narrator? Rate accordingly. The Last Thing He Wanted (1996) is a roundabout novel of Central American intrigue, secret government lethality, and a strong, deep woman of integrity relying upon, attempting to rescue, betrayed and led astray by weak, shallow, amoral or marked-for-death men. In her first novel in twelve years, the legendary author of. Very annoying. I admired this on my first reading, but I also under-rated it. We are left to decide for ourselves any motive for the decisions made by Elena, who as the main character is not very well filled-out. I had somehow missed the memo on The Last Thing He Wanted. The Last Thing He Wanted Critics Consensus. I'll admit the impetus for reading this was hearing about the film adaptation, and then subsequently watching the trailer. When reading a book of conspiracy and intrigue, I do expect things to be unclear, but here the narrator is unidentified; we never know how she came by the information she is imparting. The movie looked interesting in the trailer, so I wanted to read the book first. The first two chapters are incredibly written and set the tone for the whole book. There is just the world, the people in it, their actions and the consequences of them. Haven't seen the film yet, but seems to (necessarily!) Halfway through I would have unhesitatingly declared this the secret summit of the entire Didion canon (alongside, I found this book very hard to follow. Le Seigneur des Anneaux : 6 acteurs qui se sont blessés sur le tournage. Au fait... Quel est le premier long métrage d'animation ? Even having read the book, I'm not totally sure what happened in the movie. Filmé dans de beaux paysages avec des bons acteurs, on passe un bon moment. Here we have another Durasian novella from Joan—I simply can’t imagine how much Didion would detest Duras if she actually read her! I was shocked to learn it was by Joan Didion. I had hoped for some insights into the Iran-Contra affair, but all I perceived was a very sordid affair. Set in Central America and Miami in the mid-1980s in a world of spies, contractors, dirty money, gunrunners, failed reporters, bland diplomats, and political intrigues that mirror only ghosts of themselves, this is a small, chill novel that deserves far more attention than it's ever received. Her father, who is slipping into dementia, is a more interesting figure than she. I love how nonjudgmental this work is. This is as accomplished as any of Joan Didion's novels and one of the finest political thrillers (among many other things) I've encountered. Now we don’t have any. A veteran D.C. journalist loses the thread of her own narrative when a guilt-propelled errand for her father thrusts her from byline to unwitting subject in the very story she's trying to break. No. But t. Lance Cleland (Captain): A friend who knows my literary predilections recommended a spy novel earlier this month. On first reading, I went too fast, letting myself get pulled along by the rhythmic riptide of the prose. 5% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 56 13% Audience Score User Ratings: 293. Drunk : c'est quoi cette enivrante chanson qui fait danser Mads Mikkelsen à la fin du film ? Welcome back. This is the first of her novels I checked out, and it is a compelling read weaving fact and fiction in a way that sheds light on "counterintelligence", essentially where the action is in politics certainly since 1960 and arguably since the end of WWII. When I looked for her work on the shelf, I always went strait for some vintage copy of Play It as It Lays or to the early nonfiction, always passing over her last novel because the title was too vague, the cover image of file folders not helping the case against its dimness. The thing about thrillers is that, however stylishly they are written, they ultimately live and die by the the intricacies of the plot. T. This is the first Joan Didion book I've read and definitely the last. At some point, the reader needs answers, and logic. The Last Thing He Wanted begins in the early 1980s, during El Salvador's political crisis, with Elena (Anne Hathaway) and her friend and co-worker Alma (Rosie Perez). This is t. Re-read. It was published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1996. : We are left to decide for ourselves any motive for the decisions made by Elena, who as the main character is not very well filled-out. :-(. As for the conspiracy stuff surrounding a thinly disguised versión of Iran-Contra, there's nothing new about shadowy figures moving arms around to support groups in which governments have an interest, and vaguely linking these shadowy figures to Dallas 1963 and Kennedy is hardly new ground either.

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