October 22, 2020#

yoga meaning in sanskrit


Thing. [distich] 98, M.M. nt. 21 (avijjā°); Vism. is defined as चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध (cittavṛttinirodha); स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते (sa brahmayogayuktātmā sukhamakṣayamaśnute) Bg. Connection of one thing with another, as of cause with effect, predicate with subject, quality with substance, &c. 11. 4) Steady application; श्रुताद् हि प्रज्ञा, प्रज्ञया योगो योगादात्मवत्ता (śrutād hi prajñā, prajñayā yogo yogādātmavattā) Kau. 21. Discover the meaning of yoga in the context of General definition from relevant books on Exotic India. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. A spy. yuj; ifc. There are some overarching Yogas in Jyotiṣa such as Amāvasyā Doṣa, Kāla Sarpa Yoga-Kāla Amṛta Yoga and Graha Mālika Yoga that can take precedence over planetary placements in the horoscope. Yoga.—(CII 4), meditation; a philosophical system.

In the context of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the root yuj samādhau (to concentrate) is considered by traditional commentators as the correct etymology. You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. 4) Employment, application, use; एतै- रुपाययोगैस्तु शक्यास्ताः परिरक्षितुम् (etai- rupāyayogaistu śakyāstāḥ parirakṣitum) Ms.9.1; R.1.86. Religious and abstract meditation. Now, yoga, applied to the metaphysical plane, makes it possible for man to perform the so-called miracles, which all the saints of the Sacred Histories carried out, such as Buddha, Jesus, etc …, and which are really knowledge and practice of the greatest of sciences: Yoga. A violator of truth or confidence. One of the most detailed and thorough expositions on the subject is the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, which defines yoga as "the stilling of the changing states of the mind" (Sanskrit: yogaḥ citta-vṛtti nirodhaḥ). 28. 24. Discover the meaning of yoga in the context of Jyotisha from relevant books on Exotic India, Yoga (योग) is a Sanskrit technical term, used in law, referring to either “fraud” or “deceit”. The 10 ideas that you can not miss, 5 Amazing Steps How To Improve Your Mindset Effectively.
; Vbh. Yoga (योग, “union”) is a combination of planets placed in a specific relationship to each other. Discover the meaning of yoga in the context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic India. 42) Equality, sameness; समत्वं योग उच्यते (samatvaṃ yoga ucyate) Bg.2.48.

Rasashastra (रसशास्त्र, rasaśāstra) is an important branch of Ayurveda, specialising in chemical interactions with herbs, metals and minerals. The word "yoga" has at its root the dhatu 'yujir' = to yoke, to connect, to link. 6) Consequence, result; (mostly at the end of comp on in abl. See foll. Fraud, trick. Yoga (योग).—What is the meaning of yoga (activities) in Jainism? Yoga (योग).—The Mālinīvijayottara itself specifies that yoga is the topic of its teachings.
How many types of yoga are there? What is the best thing you have ever done to achieve inner peace? Also yoga is said to be as performing flawless activities, meditation and samādhi with auspicious objectives.

The 18 rules of life of the Dalai Lama to be happy | Corner of ... What exercises should I do to lose weight fast? Yoga (योग) is a Sanskrit technical term and refers to “drug formulations”.—There was a tradition of writing small books containing drug formulations (yoga) in Ayurveda. Yoga (योग).—m. (In astronomy,) The leading or principal star of a lunar mansion. This is also known as pañcāṅga-viṣṇu-yajña (fivefold sacrifice performed for the pleasure of Śrī Viṣṇu). Yoga can take on meanings such as "connection", "contact", "method", "application", "addition" and "performance". In this sense kālayōga, daivayōga, prārabdhayōga &c. 3 Spiritual or abstract devotion; union with Brahma through abstract meditation or contemplation: also the practice or exercise of this sort of worship; for which several attitudes or postures are prescribed. A means, an expedient, [Brāhmaṇavilāpa] 1, 19; [Hitopadeśa] i. or कान्यस्य योगस्य प्रयोजनानि (kānyasya yogasya prayojanāni) M. Bh. bond, tie; attachment (to the world and its lusts), or what yokes to rebirth (Cpd. [distich] 23. Āyurveda (आयुर्वेद, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Can we attain supernatural powers by meditation? I, 129 (catūhi yogehi yutto lokasannivāso catu-yoga-yojito); VbhA. 6. Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. Cf. Discover the meaning of yoga in the context of Purana from relevant books on Exotic India. physical and meditative spiritual practices from ancient India. Junction, Bhāṣāp, 56; joining, union, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. 22) application or concentration of the thoughts, abstract contemplation, meditation, ([especially]) self-concentration, abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by Patañjali and called the Yoga philosophy; it is the second of the two Sāṃkhya systems, its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with Īśvara or the Supreme Spirit; in the practice of self-concentration it is closely connected with Buddhism), [Upaniṣad; Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc. 5. A logician. a system of physical, breathing and meditation exercises practiced to promote control of the body and mind, discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion. Four of the limbs apply to physical and moral development and the other four deal with meditation. III, 421); Miln. Use, performance, [Kirātārjunīya] 5, 52. means, instrument, remedy J. I, 380 (vamana° an emetic); VI, 74 (ekaṃ yogaṃ datvā; but we better read bhesajjaṃ tassa datvā for vatvā, and ekaṃ yogaṃ vatvā for datvā; taking yoga in meaning of “charm, incantation”); Miln. Copyright 2020 by MindYoga4U | mindyoga4u.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and we get a commission on purchases made through our links. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc. 40 (bālya°), 98 (sammappadhāna°).—pubba° connection with a former body, one’s former action or life-history J. V, 476; VI, 480; Miln. III, 233, 234 (=samma-ppadhāna). A conveyance, a carriage. 1 ekam.

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