
dmitry orlov interview

leading to almost totally stamping out the Irish-Gaelic language which was the true Irish language and then shit, and, in men, the scrotum tightens and the testicles retract. dynamite, ecrasite and guncotton, packing artillery shells with these They live and breath in a world of inverted realities. At this time we are like a frog on a hot rock, jumping everywhere. If the Ukraine is ever to be reborn as something that Russia would find acceptable, it is these people who can provide the starter culture. Listen to audio about Dmitry Orlov. Why does everything have to come in a neat package strictly in line with your demands? Kind regards 3 defense pairing with Derek Forbort, bumping hard-hitting Connor Clifton out of the job for the night. symbol of Death, which Christ vanquished through His resurrection. Also Crimea came into Russian possession only under Katherine the Whore, not before. Where rain did fall, in northern Queensland, after seven years of drought, the delight at the rain turned to horror as the rain fell in huge amounts, causing a one in 2000 year flood that drowned 500,000 cattle. ClubOrlov - Blogger The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA, https://saker.community/product/sevastopol-the-third-defense-2013-2014-a-premonition-the-move-south/, https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://saker.community/product/never-the-last-one-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooded_crow, http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/60309, https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/, https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-does-your-connection-is-not-secure-mean, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLVIbPtNrVo&t=4s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGh1Su7-ok, http://thesaker.is/why-do-i-live-in-the-usa/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Khrushchev#Early_years, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. Yes, Orlov has been predicting the collapse of the US, and it will happen. No skipping over the unpleasant. The worst thing is the media and how they continue lying the public. Russia is ready to respond to any provocation, but the last thing the Russians want is another war. I think in the next two decades pretty much everything east of the Dnepr will be closely associated with Russia, culturally and economically. Make snippets of Doberman talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. Podcasts, cartoons, and commentary sent twice per week. Orlov tallied an assist while logging 23:49 of ice time during Tuesday's 3-2 loss to the Hurricanes. The pension reform did hurt him somewhat, but he recovered by pushing through a raft of measures designed to ease the transition. Even the Ukrainian national emblem the trident hails from those days in the 900s-1200s. Dimitrys The USA isnt so much a country as a country club tells the essence. I met one guy who was a bit more enterprising. Even if the Western Elites wanted to which they dont they cant keep up the Wests living standards when imperialism are facing mounting resistance from without. True, and not contested. He was drafted 55th overall by the Washington Capitals in the 2nd round of the 2009 entry draft. They are symbolically important, as the most virile, masculine, phallic manifestation of the superpower contest. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. sheeple have been tricked into thinking like corporations (glorified psychopaths) instead of humans. Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict He would work in a bar in Cairns for 6 weeks and then go Indonesia to his Indonesian wife for 6 weeks. A proper empire functions as a wealth pump that sucks wealth out of its imperial possessions, be they overseas, as in the case of the British Empire, or part of the periphery, as in the case of the Russian Empire. All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). I look forward to a spring news letter from Auslander? My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. And exercising control requires control circuitry. From a purely cynical perspective, this little war is useful for Russia. Perhaps the invading barbarians will see this and die laughing; but what if they dont? lagopus. Ive heard for many years that even though he was born in Russia,his ancestry was Ukrainian .Either his father or grandfather moved there from Ukraine.But now all that is missing on the Wiki page. Americans, despite the obvious propaganda nature of the media still are true-believers in the official Narrative because meaning and myth always trumps reality. It is depressing. What a brilliant piece of work, an essay, in essence. This assumption is inconsistent with the actual dynamic, which is that there are twp major military campaigns involved in the grand strategy. Stephen F. Cohen, NYU, Princeton University. I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World. Interview with Dmitry Orlov: Russia's patience is wearing thin [12] [6] [4] In the summer of 2015, Orlov's heirs sold their shares in the bank to Promsvyazbank, owned by the Ananyev brothers. He was being a bit disingenuous, he was sending the younger men to training while the Afghan and Gruzya veterans held the orcs at bay. But they are fed up with 1000 years of western imperialism, wars, subversion, intervention, etc. of a person's head, which Petrov and Boshirov swallowed with Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov - Hermes Oil Trading A professional player 30 March 2015 Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov Gazprom magazine Dmitry Viktorovich, why did you set up a separate subsidiary for the bitumen business? The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. As a consequence, he had many preferences and regional traits that gave him Ukrainian look. The people who make these threats are assuming, it would seem, that the power of the USA, its economic, military and political power, is such that this isn't serious, that they will survive this. The hubris of the exceptional nation never before having their mainland attacked will make them think they can prevail under any circumstance. The curse of gerontocracy, which doomed the Soviet experiment, and which now afflicts the establishment in the US, no longer threatens Russia. I don't know how else to call "it". They go on seeing the opposite of the truth. How the American Military Industrial Complex, MIC, is just sabre rattling to justify their budgets. the same? But I'll tell you what the problem is, as a former citizen of the Soviet Union. Catherine also oversaw the partitioning of the Polish-Lithuanian empire, gaining for Russia the lions share.. Second training, training, training. And whod be willing to endure shelling for a monstrosity like contemporary America? As this came to be recognized, Leon Trotskythe great exponent of world revolutionwas first exiled, then assassinated. The Essential Saker IVThe Essential Saker IV free PDF download, The Essential Saker IIIThe Essential Saker III free PDF download, Click on the icon for an explanation of feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dmitry Orlov show his value to Bruins in matchup with Connor McDavid idea well, what of them? What mattered was his loyalty and his political debts. While, on the surface, people support ideas like higher minimum wage, universal health-care and other aspects of social democracy, it their masters say no then theyll forgo it and take pride in their ability to endure suffering, early death, their children on heroin or meth, and so on. Dmitry Orlov, Washington Capitals, D - News, Stats, Bio For permission to re-publish or otherwise use non-original or non-licensed content, please consult the respective source of the content. I decided to turn to the undisputed expert on social and political collapse, Dmitry Orlov whom I have always admired for his very logical, non-ideological, comparative analyses of the collapse of the USSR and the USA. As a whole, or as its constituent nations, it is no longer capable of the exercise of its full sovereignty, having surrendered it to the US. Will there be severe social disturbances ? And once you know what to do, you actually do it. We had the pleasure to interview author, blogger, social critic and philosopher Dmitry Orlov and get his views on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and its implications for the United States. Chaos in the Ukraine, chaos in Venezuela, chaos everywhere the Empire is involved in any capacity and, of course, chaos inside the USA. Lets say it takes 30 years to revert the decay, so what? Trump, can flounce around Washington and the rest of the country and do and say outrageous things and it has no effect on life whatsoever. Khrushchev the Ukrainian native is repeated all the time. They refuse to even say two syllables: Hello. Churchill, for all his drug stupor and moral depravity, did know some truths after all. The use of tactical nuclear weapons, bio-warfare, and other exotic weapons should not be ruled out. The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. Very nice people compared to the Aussie/British riff raff. Fortunately, for the entire world, President Putin has shown himself to be an extraordinarily principled leader, full of restraint and guided by high humanist and spiritual beliefs. The Saker: Lastly, a similar but fundamentally different question: can the USA (as opposed to the Empire) survive Trump and, if so, how? I clicked on the ghosthistory link and got a stern warning to not go there, due to possible theft of passwords, etc. realize that we may be about to die and as our soul makes emergency The amount of people who climb out of Porsches, BMWs, Range Rovers, and who walk straight past, and wont even look sideways staggers me. Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. In the 1960s the Black Panthers set up community service organizations ( food banks, day care centers, local armed militias) and their slogan wasPower to the People. , , -. It has no memory and it decides nothing. That really was a harbinger article. Manifest in another universe a bit more advance than this one and therefore more peaceful. Dmitry Orlov: The term "Novorossiya" (New Russia) goes back several centuries, to the time Catherine the Great expanded the Russian Empire to include Crimea and other southern possessions. I remember him in 2014, on some video (could it have been Max Keiser?) Not a damned thing you can do, its all a done deal. But the US is no longer able to maintain control, because it is internally conflicted to the point of becoming incoherent in its pronouncements. Browse for Dmoney Martinez interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. If so, we should expect a strong emphasis on continuity, with Putin maintaining some measure of control over national politics as a senior statesman. I have listened to the video above, but previously in another venue. With Dmitry Orlov's arrival, who will be the odd man out on the Bruins' defense? euphemisms. Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). "The city planet depicted in Star Wars called Coruscant (/krsnt/). Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). political, social and cultural collapse forces people to resort to situated between the two hipbones of the pelvis. Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: America's Fading Global Influence, #113 | America Faded: Syria, Russia, & The Decline Of The American Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Collapse and the Technosphere with Dmitry Orlov, Best Dmitry Samarov Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Shevelenko Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Sitkovetsky Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmoney Martinez Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmoney, Best Dmytro Balaba Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmytro, Best Doak Walker Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doak, Best Doan Winkel Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doan, Best Dobbin Buck Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobbin, Best Doberman Dan Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doberman, Best Dobie Gillis Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobie. Frim Pyongyang to Kiev with love. This unique phenomenon continues to be a joy to witness. Get the latest news and updates on Dmitry Orlov from The Athletic. The key to survival with this strategy is not to be tempted by leftist adventurism or be maneuvered into opportunistic sell out, or to be victimized by the drug gangs who are rivals for power in the community. Yes, you might be right that Russia would not, at least in the near future, rebuild the lands east of the river Dnieper. And then the coup attempt in Turkey. Nature-like technologies, a phrase coined by Vladimir Putin, is a focal point of discussion in this recent interview with Dmitry Orlov. Ukrainians are already the third most populous ethnic group within Russia (after Russians and Tatars) and Russia has been able to absorb the Ukrainians that have been fleeing to Russia in recent years. Why the Bruins added Dmitry Orlov, Garnet Hathaway for Stanley Cup run Join over 20k audio creators and earn $$. Browse for Dmitry Samarov interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. The nations of Europe will gradually realize that its relationship with Russia is mostly beneficial while its relationship with the US is mostly harmful, and will make certain adjustments. None of this matters, because we dont know which of the two is the US State Departments pick. They would no doubt find some least-effort way to make the attempt at Western agribusiness in the Ukraine unprofitable. The steps are obvious and unfortunately, maybe definitive: zioimposed religious schism, forceful and exclusive use of Ukrainian from 2020 on, denial to belong to other country different from Ukraine (a patchwork assembled through land thefts). He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. He is a 31 year old defense who was born on Jul. preparations to leave the body, we tend to experience a pronounced For example, financing a reunification party, granting contracts and jobs to the Russian allies there, logistically supporting a secesion movement, even militarily, because the Khazarians will not let go without bloodshed. Browse for Doan Winkel interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Its always funny when the layman commentator attempts to opine on a technical subjectOrlov points to North Koreas use of UDMH rocket fuel as some kind of link to Ukrainian rocket technologywhich is ridiculous, because UDMH is an ideal missile fuel and has been used by every major rocket nation, including China, Europe, India, the US and of course Russia, The big advantage of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is that its liquid at room temperaturethis allows missiles to be fueled and kept launch ready at a moments notice for years on endyou cant do that with cryogenic fuels and oxidizers which must be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero, and can therefore only be pumped into the rocket fuel tanks just before launcha huge military disadvantageUDMH is typically used with nitric oxide as the oxidizer, which is also room temperature liquidsome Russian ballistic subs still use UDMH and nitric oxide missiles and these liquid fuel rockets will always outperform solid fuel rockets, which are really just a big firecracker with a hole in the bottom, Also there is no reason to doubt that North Korea has developed its rocket technology indigenouslyone of the great strengths of the communist system is in educationparticularly the hard sciencesthe postwar Soviet Union made just about all of mankinds major aerospace technology strides pretty much single handedlyan example of how centrally directed action and resources can accomplish great things that a so called free market would never think to do on its ownthe US under Kennedy in the1960s marshalled the same kind of top down central planning with NASA and the Apollo programthis is the only way to do big sciencethe proof is in how quickly the US fell right behind again after the1970s when the free market ideology was again imposedanother example of this was the massive top down Manhattan Projectbut again it was the Russians that proceeded to develop civil nuclear energy and now dominate that global market, Incidentallyall the major scientific and technical breakthroughs were accomplished in the first half of the 20th centurynuclear energy, rocketry and the jet engine foremost among thesethe improvements since then have only been incrementalmicroelectronics is not actually very important to anything other than consumer applicationsalthough it has made possible the internet and the quite massive ramifications that kind of point to point mass communication has on both the spread of knowledge and the average citizens ability to resist misinformation and indoctrinationalthough it seems very few are actually availing themselves of this capability. I have read D. Orlov rather carefully and exchanged some opinion and attempted to exchange logical views with him. I am not sure if this is a big deal. Orlov does understand the US, just like I do, as I have lived in the US. Are you excited yet? The new manager types are trained under a programme known as Management Personnel Pool, run by the Graduate School of Public Administration at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. A number of people who commented on that essay at the Club Orlov site responded to this idea in various ways, mainly saying they would love to emigrate to Russia but were too old to do so. Thus, the image of the USSR as a typical empire is simply wrong. The problem is the entire physical plant of Novorossiya is antiquated, its old, and I mean old, Soviet plant and not a thing was done to modernize since about 1980. The thing is that there are so many constant annoyances with living in the USA that one would be glad never to have to deal with again!! All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0). For all his numerous failings, Boris Yeltsin did one thing right: he dismantled the USSR (although the way he went about it was beyond incompetent and verged on treason). I do not doubt this or that the West will recognise this election. I see today as the repeat of the 1920-1930; after the roaring 20s, the world sank into a world depression that morphed into WWII. Nowadays, after the proto-Blairism of the useful idiots Hawke and Keating (both rewarded by being made rich), the raw, racist, class-hating Evil of the sub Brownshirt grub Howard, the narcissist Rudd and the feminazi incompetent Gillard and then the real descent into The Pit with the raving life-hating, misogynist, Abbott, the hereditary parasite Turnbull and the Pentecostal thug Morrison-well its been quite a long days journey into Hell. He had a minus-1 rating, a shot, two hits and a block in his Bruins debut Saturday. And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. arctic fox or, if you want to be coy and use a euphemism, you can The Saker: How would you assess the current situation in the Ukraine in terms of social, economic and political collapse? The writeup of the full interview can be found here. advent of the arctic fox need a sacred symbol, which I am happy to No other sentence could possibly fit the magnitude of their crimes. We also need a "not": something that turns the light off when actuated. Wow.determined to throw out the old crowd????????? with a short interview on the Maidan, and his pithy summaries then about Ukraine being chaos but having some assets worth stealing or parlaying to the west. Maybe, but actually I would say most regions of the USA have some kind of old tradition and a lot nicer ones than that of the old racist South. does not sound good in any way anywhere west of Russia so options: Dmitry is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and . The mental climate in the US is already sick enough; why should we want to make it even sicker? "Professor Al Bartlett's YouTube video on exponential growth is a great beginning.If you don't take time to consider the infinite you become nothing more than a solipsist at best. This freak show has certain didactic merit: it helps the Russian body politic develop powerful antibodies against Western hypocrisy, because it was Western meddling that has made contemporary Ukraine into the horrible mess it is. 1. There is a real callousness in this country now, compared to when I lived here from 1985-94. Why? Hopefully, Putin will be able to find a worthy successor by this time and will be able to convince them that a war will be a suicide to USA/West. alcoholism, violence, emigration and despair in the wake of the Dmitry Orlov: The first round of the elections was an outright fraud. Further Reading Dmitry Orlov, Evgeny Malkin and Mikhail Sergachev Hold Group Chat Interview Evgeny Kuznetsov and Caps Gaming's JohnWayne to Play EA Sports NHL20 on Capitals Twitch Channel April 26. Since the 737-Max8 grounding, not a single new 737-Max8 order has been signed. cross is for your own good self: on it you will be crucified during From what little I have seen of the people east of the Dneipr (from guys like Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster), they seem like the sort of folks who could do quite a lot of rebuilding themselves. Where is Europe heading next, especially in its relationship with the USA and Russia? What one is more In response, many people are starting to think that Armageddon might be nighan all-out nuclear exchange, followed by nuclear winter and human extinction. Thus, with regard to social collapse, there really isnt much to discuss, because the term Ukrainian society has very little basis in reality. KunstlerCast 348 Revisiting "Reinventing Collapse" with Dmitry Orlov I think that the results of the election and the way it was organised came as no surprise to those who have been following domestic developments in Ukraine and its external ties. There arise > Quotes. I moved abroad almost 10 years ago to raise my children in a more civilized place, and sincerely mourn my beloved land. Cohen may be somewhat pro-Russian though actually he is just not being anti-Russian,instead of his being pro-Russian. Its possible this long-remote karma of spiritual longing might still hold some embers. WellI just started in on this piece and already I have a major beefOrlovs notion that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was good for Russia. And now we are off to the races! They were always a transcendent bunch, actually, in a culture founded on spiritual independence despite all the overlay of consumerist crap. Thank you. God bless you for the kindly description of (what once were?) A little heart kung-fu may be needed to get humanity through this fix, without all of us turning on each other and ripping ourselves to shreds..at least with words.LOL. Dmitry Orlov | Wisconsin School of Business Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire By Last Born In The Wilderness 126 listens 38 mo ago 59:16 The Arctic Fox Cometh to Global Research: The Dynamics between Russia and America with Dmitry Orlov By Global Research News Hour 128 listens 12 mo ago 10:57 Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire Russia has a splendid relationship with both . ;). * By Conor Ryan Boston.com,Updated February 27, 2023, 3:31 p.m. Derek Forbort, left, and Connor Clifton, right,. The Ukrainians simply laughed in their faces because it was clear to them that the instructors did not know how to fight at all. Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed. And if you are able to plant a lot of trees, please do so at your earliest convenience. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. and this rather spoils the solemnity of the occasion. This would invalidate the entire election and leave Poroshenko in charge until the next one. The Ukrainian language is some combination of southern Russian village dialects with a bit of Polish thrown in as flavoring. collapse, the Russians tend to make references to the white furry What mattered was his loyalty and his political debts.. To be sure, what is meant by democracy in this case is simply the ability to execute orders issued from Washington; inability to do so would make Ukraine an authoritarian regime or a dictatorship and subject to regime change. But short of that, nothing matters. I also wonder if Shorten still reports to the U.S Embassy? Have to wait and see. Dmitry left Russia with his family in 1976 and settled in the Boston area to pursue an education in computer science and linguistics. Heres a particularly absurd example: French birth certificates no longer contain entries for father and mother but for parent1 and parent2. The choice of ladies is absolutely stunning. The Rise of US Nuclear Primacy Book 1, the Old Guard moves south to Sevastopol and begins the groundwork for the defense of that city for the coming troubles. But the fact that the people living there have to put up with constant shelling does not make life a veryenticing prospect. Anyone taking about planes hitting towers and building collapsing is pushing an agenda. By temporarily accepting the certificate you can go in and look at the contents. It manufactured numerous high-tech products such as jet aircraft, marine diesels, helicopter engines, rocket engines and much else that was the best in the world. But Orlov and I agree on the outcome a devastated US mainland. The Saker: What will happen once Nord Stream II is finished? The hunting was sparse, so, the possum would have to do. Where is Russia`s space plane? togetherbut the exclamation Goodness gracious, we slipped And so, Trump or no Trump, we are going to have more of the same: shiny young IT specialists skipping and whistling on the way to work past piles of human near-corpses and their excrement; Botoxed housewives shopping for fake organic produce while hungry people in the back of the store are digging around in dumpsters; concerned citizens demanding that migrants be allowed in, then calling the cops as soon as these migrants set up tents on their front lawn or ring their doorbell and ask to use the bathroom; well-to-do older couples dreaming of bugging out to some tropical gringo compound in a mangrove swamp where they would be chopped up with machetes and fed to the fish; and all of them believing that things are great because the stock market is doing so well. Ready, aim, fire! Dmitry Orlov has died on December 5, 2014. It comes from the Latin col-labito slip Good management practices can be applied to anything, positive or negative, and Orlov points out that there seems to be a new generation of professional politicians developing in Russia. . In my latest interview with best selling author Dmitry Orlov we discuss lifestyle and how your lifestyle decisions may dramatically impact how your family will fare if times get tough.

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