
koogle peanut butter commercial

I haven't added them to the store here yet, but a friend of mine wrote an excellent history about them on his website CollectingCandy.com: http://www.collectingcandy.com/wordpress/?p=5625 - Thanks for checking out my blog! I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. I think all of us had in the 70s. Sounds pretty . Later commercials would feature mothers endorsing the product so that other mothers would buy it for their children. My brother would have been 8-10. As some of you mentioned above, people look at you like you're crazy when you ask if they remember Koogle. Vanilla & Cinnamon koogle was my fave it was awesome!!! They need to bring this back! I ahev to laugh as I was wondering if it was still being made - Glad to see I am not the only KOOK for good stuff - I miss that someone should re-market the flavors for us 40 somethings! Koogle was by far superior, no comparison. Banana was also delicious-bring it back-why do they take away all the good stuff??!! the 70's rocked-if anyone figures out how to time travel i woould go back to that time.post a message here if you figure out how. I remember the chocolate, banana and cinnamon flavors, but for some reason I thought there was a vanilla. It left a definite lasting impression in my memory. In the premiere commercial the mascot danced to a jingle, "Pea-nutty-koogle with the koo-koo-koogly eyes," which was modeled on Billy Rose's 1923 hit song "Barney Google (with the Goo-Goo-Googly Eyes)". They didn't know what they were missing. to begin with there was 5 flavors ok and i am working with kraft on bring it back ok my name is eddie mckinney i got a page on facebook ok so you can see a pic of a jar ok, Every single day my breakfast was "Banana Koogle" and I sent KRAFT a long complaint but they won't bring it back because of "Nutella". Before returning to the White House, our staff was able to take pictures of the contents of Biden's rigorous schedule. Subsequent commercials had the mascot explaining the product to children in \"jive\" talk, or mothers endorsing the product to make it more appealing to mothers so they would be more willing to buy it for their childrenContact us at:rodtv65@gmail.combbv2mllc@gmail.combbv2m-brothersbrooksvision2missionllc.comBe sure to check out our other channels:WIJA - What If? I loved it. omg! Dad would sit with him at White castle counter 1948-50 , both worked nights. ET would have died and gone to heaven! I was just telling a few friends last night out at dinner and they were looking at me like I was wearing clown costume!!!! Why was the decision Roe v. Wade important for feminists? He used to put it in cupcake cups and put it in the fridge. Haha!!!! Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. One of the most popular is the honey baked ham. There's gotta be a recipe somewhere? lol. I just google googly eye peanut butter and this showed up. I ate the cinnamon so much one time i got sick from it. They stated they will bring it back. It was delicious. Please if someone has a recipe then I beg of you to post it for everyone of us old people. I was in my toddler years and loved the banana! What was your favorite flavor? Made great fuffernutters. Mmmm is all I can sayDavid Cantrell Maryville TN. TV shows, fashion, music, toys, candy, food, clothes, newsworthy events - nothing is off limits, as long as it happened a long time ago. othher ppl remember koogley eyes pnut butter. Koogle was a peanut butter spread marketed by Kraft, first released in the USA in 1971. Koogle was made with peanut butter and Nutella is a chocolate spread with hazelnut. Looking like an oversized jar of the peanut spread, the costumed character featured enormous spinning eyes, and appendages that looked like they belonged on an amphibian. I can't tell you how excited I was .. it immediately brought me back to my childhood. I can give you the ingredients.For which flavor? A childhood favorite as wellfyi the peanut butter and jelly together in the same jar was Smucker's "Goober." I lived near Pittsburgh and think I ate it everyday for lunch for two years. Submit a story or info about Koogle Peanut Butter,

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